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Codename Entertainment
Desktop launcher roadblock

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 13th 2020 at 12:07 AM
I try downloading the launcher for Windows, click "Run", and get this "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item" message, and nothing I do seems to change this. Tried downloading AIR, no luck. I also get a notification on my computer saying it has been blocked "Due to malware".

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 16th 2020 at 2:04 PM
Bumping this since the devs seemed to have missed it.

18 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 16th 2020 at 4:55 PM
You need to tell your computer that even though it thinks it's malware, to run it anyway. It thinks that because it's a new program that it isn't aware of and can't find any reference to in it's databases. So in the interest of being super safe, it has blocked it for you.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 16th 2020 at 8:31 PM
I've tried that. Or at least, tried to figure out how to do that. I've since figured out how to, but the issue was that the instructions on the program were entirely vague and unhelpful. I knew WHAT to do, but couldn't figure out HOW to do it. Was hoping devs might provide info I didn't know about. Anyway, handled it, all set.
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