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Codename Entertainment
Event Update: Emo's New Moon, 2020 Edition!

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 29th 2020 at 2:25 PM

A scavenger of the dead and dying. An apothecary and alchemist of the unknown. Merchant of the blackest markets.

The Crooked Crow can find most anything, for the right price!

Darkened skies are once again lit by the rise of Emo's New Moon. With our second Tier 6 Event, the Crusaders make a deal with the mysterious Crooked Crow...

Check out the official blog!

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 29th 2020 at 2:49 PM
Obviously haven't unlocked him yet, but even at first glance, new crusader looks promising. Swapping with Dros means it has stark competition. None of the legendaries buffing its "Crawly Friends" ability is a big hit, but there's still plenty of ways for other abilities to buff it. Finally having another quest item doubler is nice, though. Hoping it can compare to Dros since I'd love to have that DPS without the constant hit to my formation's health.
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