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Codename Entertainment
Did we need Buff Coffers?

58 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 14th 2020 at 7:44 PM
I have a bunch of thoughts, but I'll start simple:

1) They are expensive, let me know if you disagree

2) I don't need buff cards, don't all end game players have 1,000s upon 1,000s?

3) Don't end game players need 10,000s (100,000s?) of crafting materials?


58 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 14th 2020 at 7:46 PM
Oh yeah:

4) No discount/bonus for bulk purchase?

5 @ 10 coins == 50 coins for 5!

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 14th 2020 at 11:05 PM
Yeah, buff cards are pretty useless now, especially since DPS buffs have been changed to be additive instead of mutiplicative with Lingering Buffs. I'm preatty sure that there are players with about 100k of each of those buff cards, and no intention to ever use them (especially since you have to click them individually, no "use multiple buffs for a single click" option).

And yes, end game players need 64k to 128k common materials to upgrade a single piece of gear, purchasing 2k common materials for 125 coins is just not worth it.

Honestly, there isn't a single decent use for coins, except the dungeon token for those that can complete more than 15 in a weeek.

58 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 18th 2020 at 1:24 PM
Yes, I have a formula to calculate how many common materials are needed to upgrade from any level to any other level. I was trying to set a number as to what an end game player would consider "noteworthy".

10,000 per 12 weeks is nothing. 10,000 per hour sounds great (and not crazy!).

Back to Buff Coffers, perhaps if each had 1 Quantum Leap (Epic time card) and 1 Power Flare (Epic power boost) and then 5 more random Epic buffs, then I could enjoy the anticipation of getting them for free. I still wouldn't bother buying them, even with Dungeon Coins.

As they are now, Silver Chests are more valuable than Buff Coffers and I only open Silver Chests when I can open at least 10,000 of them. Based on my results, those 10,000 Silver Chests get me the same as 1,000 Buff Coffers plus crafting material and trinkets. Epic buff cards are nice, but I can't use all the Common, Uncommon and Rare cards that I get from Silver Chests!
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