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Codename Entertainment
Speed effect types and amounts?

58 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 12th 2020 at 1:51 PM
By my reckoning the crusaders have 3 types of speed effect abilities: Spawn Speed (SS), Drop Multiplier (DM) and Drop Rate (DR).

Do you feel any of them is significantly better than the others, if yes, then which one?

Do you have a target amount for any of them, if yes, then which and how much of those?


I'm not sure that I feel strongly that one is "better" than the others, but I do feel that DM is the least available of the three, especially constant and mimic-able DM. DR was last to be added and was low in availability until recently, but I'm not sure how much I need of it.


18 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 12th 2020 at 2:55 PM
We have a #faq channel in the discord(, this is posted there(courtesy of ryan92084#3051)

#Types of Sader Speed in rough order of importance
1) Double Drop/Kills - Viktor(lepers), Billy, Casey, Sjin, Queue Up, Desert Bus
2) Item Pickup - TMs, Penny
3) Drop Rate - Trixie, Dros, Bruno, Euodia,
4) Extra Spawns - Drosenthes, Alacrity, Euodia, Ishtar, Hodor
5) Spawn Speed - Alacrity, Euodia, Buffs, Rex, Viktor(dragons), Drosenthes, Casey, several others

#Other Speed
Sprint - Talents and From the Ashes
Autocomplete - Phase Skip, Thoonoose (barely)
Faster Advance - 4x TM on the field, Right Arrow
Faster Transitions - Deadly Tales
Frame Rate - Setting the in game frame rate low has a negative effect on speed

#How drop rate works
30/# of drops/((1+%/100)*(1+%/100))
Example: Drosenthes 45% and Euodia 30% in a 1 drop area
30/1/((1.45)*(1.3))= 15.9 kills to get a drop. AFAIK this always rounds up.

Here is an example of how to set up "super casey"

It's since been surpassed by "super vik" which uses vik bites instead of casey. But that image is a good example for how to maximize your drop rate and speed through areas as fast as possible.

58 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 14th 2020 at 7:31 PM
Thank you for all the great information. That is great to have written down, however I was more hoping for one or more guideposts on what a "normal" value versus a "high" value versus an "insane" value.

I was trying to focus on crusaders that can be used to speed through runs. Talents and T11 rewards are good, but they are permanent once acquired.

That said, based on the Drop Rate formula, a Dungeon run only needs one Drop Rate crusader (as long as they are at 20% or more, Rare gear?), since AFAICT all Dungeon non-boss areas need 25 kills or drops.

Also, on the Drop Rate example, that 16 value is an "on average" and not a fixed value, right?

As for Extra Spawns, I like them in Free Play, but I don't really want them if I'm using RRabbit to insta-kill. Unless the extra spawn won't draw an extra click. If one spawn will drop items and the drop multiplier is high (50, 100?), then one kill is enough, a second click would be a waste.

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