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Codename Entertainment
Higher Seats Base Damage

27 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 3rd 2019 at 8:10 PM
Eike Bunn des Präsident
Hi Folks,

I'm currently wondering about the dps contribution in my formation.
I've optimized the formation for my main DPS (triple Legendary) Shenna, who buffs herself by about e^5 (factor 177,870 to be precise) with all her abilities (except the level-based one which is the same for all crusaders).
Right next to her stand Carmen and Petunia, who have no self buffs at all, but still have a higher dps in total (image: ).

The situation clearly implies that Carmen and Petunia, being 6 seats ahead, are getting a buff higher than e^5 just from their seat advantage, which was definitely a surprise to me. I further conclude that Shenna is currently useless in the formation, as she doesn't buff Carmen and Petunia, and can be replaced by any other female human counting towards the twin's abilities ;)

My main question is:
Does somebody know about how much the base damage is increasing from seat to seat?

Thanks and best regards!
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