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Codename Entertainment
D'oh!!! or activating the abilities on special skins.

21 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 24th 2019 at 8:35 AM
Last Edited November 24th 2019 at 3:21 PM
Okay, It's been what two months or so since the Dr. Nice guy and Karen the Catty teenager skins came out and I just noticed this morning that the special abilities are something you can choose to activate or not in the skins menu.

(Chef Kasey) Plant Based -- - human / + plant and male
(Dr. Evil) Dr Nice guy -- - evil / + good
(Karen the Cat Teenager) Karen the Catty Teenager -- -animal / + human
(Momma Kaine) MK II -- - human / + robot
(Trixie the Treater) The Entreater -- + angel

It may be a minor point but it opens options for when you need the rarer tags. Whether for missions or the weekly challenge.
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