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Codename Entertainment
Clarification about Idolatry and Rewind rewards

58 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 23rd 2019 at 4:54 PM
Last Edited November 23rd 2019 at 4:54 PM
For Idolatry, is the bonus an integer bonus and not a floating point bonus?

Specifically, if a player has 500,000 idols, does that player get a factor of 5 or is the bonus a factor of 5.7?

For the Rewind reward, does the 1% per 250 areas become 2% and not 1% per 125 areas?

It may be minor, but the floating point bonus and the 1% per 125 areas would be make these benefits more important/significant/valuable to players.

Of course, if the recharge calculation allowed the remainder areas to carry forward to the next Free Play reset, such that if a player played to area 1,600 three times in a row, then they would get 6% the first two times (assuming Rewind not completed) and the third time the recharge would be 7%:

First reset at area 1,600: +6% with 100 area remainder
Second reset at area 1,600: 1600 + 100 = 1700 => +6% with 200 area remainder
Third reset at area 1,600: 1600 + 200 = 1800 => +7% with 50 area remainder

Carrying forward remainders would avoid the greatest amount of waste and apply before and after Rewind. But this also seems like a lot more work to change than the other two change possibilities above would require.

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 25th 2019 at 2:06 PM
For Idolatry, it's an integer bonus.

The Rewind reward changes it from 1% every 250 areas to 2% every 250 areas.
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