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Codename Entertainment
Human karen's "Center of Universe" and Betty smithsonian doesnt work

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 11th 2019 at 11:42 AM
During the event Carnival of Sorrows, i got the rank five crusader, and wanted to test a full human/female formation to test the "carmen and petunia"'s buffs.
i added Betty Smithsonian due to her strong buff for female/human, and Karen the Cat teenager, as i have her "human skin".

i put Karen in the formation, out of reach of Betty first, but it seems that her buff works on human Karen only if she is within range, making "Center of Universe" useless.
I even doubled it with Mindy's mimic on Betty (one within range of Karen, one out), and only the one within range worked.
I double checked if Karen had the right tag (and anyway, she got the buff when in range).

Could anyone test it too in order to confirm?
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