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Codename Entertainment
Strange numbers

218 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 20th 2019 at 5:38 AM
maybe there's simple answers, something I missed along the way, but...

1) Red Rubies - afaik, Rubies have always been awarded in increments of 10 (or 5?)... For example, Gem Digger mission awards 10 Rubies, or various Campaign Objective rewards of 250, 300, 350 Rubies and so on). Spending Rubies is same. No strange or random numbers. So how did I end up with 96 Rubies, and not 90, or 100? Where did the extra Ruby come from? Was there a maths error somewhere along the line? What did I miss? (There are no 'Ruby' stats on the Statistics page)

2) Achievements - I see many incomplete "Spend 'n' Event tokens starting objectives in the 'xyz' event', going back a long time. Many of which I'm pretty sure were completed. with numbers that don't make sense. For example, my Epic Season Pass shows 6.77e4 / 7.5e4. And yet these have always cost fixed regular numbers for starting each event, and the current sum of 6.77e4 does not seem to reflect that. Other examples of 'incomplete' show I spent 7.2e4/7.5e4, 7.02e4/7.5e4, 4.91e4/5e4... makes no sense and I'm sure some of these are earned although not treated as completed.

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 20th 2019 at 9:22 AM
1) If you've completed Which Witch is Which? you now earn 10% more rubies from completing objectives, mission and daily quests, which results in not round numbers of rubies.

2) 6.77e4 is 67,700 out of 7.5e4 aka 75,000. As some of the event objectives don't cost 2,500 tokens to start, it's possible to have a not round number there.

218 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 23rd 2019 at 8:00 AM
Ah, Thank you Erika :)

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 23rd 2019 at 8:31 AM
BUT you will actually see that it is 10% + 1. i.e. 400 gives you 441
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