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Codename Entertainment
Update: Amusement Park of Doom Tier 4 Objectives

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 3rd 2019 at 10:52 AM

It's hard to believe that this campaign went live back in December 2016 but here we are 2.5 years later and we're still going strong — so strong, in fact, that we've added some brand-new Tier 4 Objectives to the Amusement Park of Doom campaign!

Objective details can be found in the Tier 4 tab of the Amusement Park of Doom or on the official blog.

Good luck <3

v0.196 (2019-05-03)

Title: Greater Amusement


- Added Tier 4 objectives to Amusement Park of Doom


- Mobile has now been phased out.
- Resetting the world will no longer show a notification, after 25 resets.
- Removed the damage cap on Fire Storm, Storm of Flame, and Resurrection. They now deal a percent of monsters’ current health, instead of max health


- Fixed formation slots occasionally being locked when resetting the world
- Fixed the objective selection screen showing your highest completed area as 0 if the game was loaded while not on an objective.
- Dismissing notifications with the spacebar no longer prevents all future notifications (such as achievements)
- Minor performance improvements.
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