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Codename Entertainment
Is Thanksgiving event worth it?

49 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 29th 2011 at 7:55 AM
Amy Bukszar-Marek
I have been playing the Thanksgiving event and have gotten 6 feasts. It seems like it will take about hundreds of thousands of tokens to complete the event. I am getting about 100 tokens per 100 stars played with Banana tokens and all attempts to utilize multipliers has not worked.

Have you completed event? If so, how did you do it?

793 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 29th 2011 at 1:30 PM
Justin Stocks (CNE Dev)
A lot of the top players win tokens with multipliers. A 100,000x multiplier in stage 21-24 will get you 500,000 tokens, which is enough to make a very good dent in the event. As for how players get that multiplier, well, that's a whole other strategy that someone else will need to explain :)
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