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Codename Entertainment
Ads timing

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 31st 2018 at 11:45 AM
Idols ad bonuses come and go with availability, I get that, but the timing lately has seemed suspiciously targeted. I wake up late. Around 2pm my time. Due to a certain talent in the game, a reset after a night's rest tends to be bigger than normal. For more than a week now, every, single, day, I wake up, go to reset, and there's no ad bonus available. Refresh like 6 times, no luck. Middle of the day? Plenty to go around. Sometimes, sometimes not, but certainly less frequently than literally, every, morning not giving ad bonuses.

Obviously I don't expect anything malicious. I'm not dumn (yes, that was on purpose) or a conspiracy theorist. But I'm just wondering if however ads are checked for has something to do with the timing. Like, between 2-4, the pool is just empty for whatever reason, people aren't advertising. Or something in the ad-checking program ignores that timeframe. Or overnight runs somehow mess with the program.

It just seems weird that LITERALLY every single "morning" between 2-4pm there is NEVER an ad bonus available when it would be (at least in my case, specifically) extra useful.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 31st 2018 at 9:00 PM
i wonder why you have never bothered with the dev sanctioned browser ad on that makes ad availability totally not matter to the user and make it great for the devs because they always get the ad to pay them whether or not ads were available.
i.e. i opt in any, ANY, time of any day and reset any time i need to and always get the bonuses instantly

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 31st 2018 at 10:17 PM
I probably would bother with it if I had any clue how to. My adblock is off, so it's not like any ads are being blocked. Sometimes I get ads before the game loads, but those seem to have no effect on the game itself. The only ads I ever see are the site ads below the game, the pre-game ads, and the ads for gold/dps/idols. If there's any other types, I haven't seen them.

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 15th 2018 at 12:45 AM
I had some problem with the ads too, I'm usually able to get them after one refresh, but they don't give the bonus
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