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Codename Entertainment
Update: Some Quality of Life Items

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 16th 2018 at 10:32 AM
v0.168 (2018-08-16)

Title: A Little Quality of Life

- (PC) Added an auto-progress button to the main game screen.
- (PC) The crafting window now has a toggle for Legendary animations.
- (PC) Mousing over the crafting icon in the bottom panel now lists your current crafting materials.
- (PC) Added a “More Stats” tooltip in the top left, including Monster Spawn Speed.
- (PC) Added keyboard shortcuts for the “Buy Max Levels” and “Buy Max Upgrades” buttons.
- Added two new Challenges to the weekly pool.

- Timed items in the Challenge store will now refresh at the same time for all players, based on Fridays at Noon Pacific Time.
- Golden items still refresh every two weeks.
- (PC) Play history entries for Challenges now show previous and new totals for Challenge Tokens.
- (PC) Play history entries for Resets now show how many resets you’ve done.
- (PC) Idol counts in the play history are now easier to read.
- (PC) The play history window is now taller, and entries are easier to distinguish.
- (PC) You can now see all Event achievements on the Achievements screen, instead of just the ones you've earned..

- Minor text fixes. Thank you for the typo reports!
- (PC) (Aug 14) Fixed the cards not showing up when completing Crafting Material missions.
- (PC) Scrolling the missions list with the mouse wheel can no longer hide the “Active!” text.
- (Mobile) Dr. Evil’s Legendary item abilities now have descriptions.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 16th 2018 at 10:53 AM
Last Edited August 16th 2018 at 10:55 AM
The removal of Legendary animations is so good! To be clear, I respect the effort put into making things visually fun. Shout out to the animators and designers that apply themselves to such things. Respect where it is due. I do appreciate the efforts. Just saying that after the thousandth time crafting and disenchanting to convert material types into common materials, shifting legendary levels back and forth for weekly challenges, etc, the animation wait times can be a bit of a bore for dedicated, long-time players seeing these things over and over. Again, no disrespect to the artists and animators, but thank you for this toggle.

Also, turning off the animations helps the game not get overclocked by the repeated animations, so that's always nice.

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 16th 2018 at 12:15 PM
THANK YOU for listening Erika and team!

So good to have that painful animation gone from my life. The other tweaks are good too :-)

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 16th 2018 at 1:27 PM
I actually prefer the previous incarnation of the mission list, in order of length. I know what this change was going for - EP at the top because it matter more than gold missions, but be that as it may, I still prefer having the shorter missions display first, just so I can open the tab, throw out some quick missions, and get on with the game. Now I need to actually kinda..."search" for the short missions. It's not exactly a big deal, but worth mentioning.

189 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 16th 2018 at 2:06 PM
LOVE all the Q.O.L. changes. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THAN YOU!

(New hotkey info probably needs adding to the guidebook hotkeys page).

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 16th 2018 at 2:56 PM
Kevin switched the mission grouping to type, rather than length of the missions over all categories.

I'll add the option for a toggle or something to our suggestion list.
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