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Codename Entertainment
Content Update! Tier 4 Ready Player Two Objectives!

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 7th 2018 at 3:41 PM
Last Edited June 7th 2018 at 3:42 PM

Level up and game on once more, with Tier 4 versions of the Ready Player Two objectives!

Couch Co-op
New for Tier 4:
- Every 15 seconds, a random Crusader in your formation is distracted by their cell phone for 10 seconds and stops contributing FAs and DPS
- Beat area 900

No Items, Fox Only...
New for Tier 4:
- If you don't beat an area or kill the fox within 30 seconds, you fail the area and are sent back one area (doesn't apply to boss areas)
- Beat area 1000

More Random Encounters
New for Tier 4:
- When killed, the randomly spawned boss mobs decrease your DPS by 75% for 60 seconds
- Beat area 1000

Glitch Out
New for Tier 4:
- Randomly spawned glitches reduce your DPS by 50% each while alive (stacking multiplicatively)
- Beat area 1000

Video Game of Thrones
New for Tier 4:
- Quest requirements are quadrupled. Because you like waiting, right?
- Beat area 1000

New for Tier 4:
- Immovable stones appear in formation slots every 150 areas. These block the affected slot.
- Beat area 1000

Polkamans Go!
New for Tier 4:
- Four unique evil trainers from Team Tedium spawn and attack your formation
- Beat area 1050

Acme Dark Souls
New for Tier 4:
- Anvils now drop every 5 seconds
- Beat area 1050
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