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Codename Entertainment
Mobile Bugs!

35 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 11th 2017 at 10:06 AM
I see a lot of mobile bugs, but don't want to write a ticket for everyhing, so I'm just posting them here.

1. The "shiny button"
For this one, I put in a ticket a while ago. Then it was gone and I closed the ticket, but it came back a few weeks ago and I repoened it (didn't get any responce, but I hope you are aware of it). When resetting on mobile, I don't get to push the shiny button to reset. I reset, watch an add, close the add and then nothing happens. Sometimes the text "resetting softly" appears for a short time, but it doesn't goes on to the next screen. But when I reload the game, I'm on the screen to choose a new objective. That happens in 90 to 95 % of my resets.

2. Dead Brogon heals
When Brogon get's killed, the living reciver of his heals, still get healed. Don't know if it also works with other healers

3. Effects don't change when benching crusader
In general, maybe related to the Brogon-issue, I got the fealing, that effects don't change when I change crusader in the formation. I can't make a specific example, but the mobile game does react different on changing crusader compared to the web version. Ok... there is still the different-dpd-issue, which was also reported here some time ago, but this seems to go a lot further.

I got a lot more minor bugs, but can't remember at the moment, so I might check in to explain more issues with the mobile version, when I come across their way again.

35 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 12th 2017 at 10:31 AM
4. Loading issue (Android only)
It's not a real bug, but more some anoying sideeffect...
Before every reset, I usualy use magnify + click-o-rama to get closer to the "Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto" achievement. When I'm on Kong, I go back a few areas, close the game and open it on my mobile device. I let everything load, activate auto-progress to jump to the highest area and let click-o-rama run and when it's over I go back to the area I was on to load everything. Now not every time, but a lot of times, the game needs to load the background again.

And a suggestion related to that:
Could you please move the text "loading xxx" to somewhere, where it doesn't block abilitys. Magnify and click-o-rama are far enough on the left side... but if I want to activate savage strike too, I've got to hope, that things load fast enough before the enemys roll over my formation.

35 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 14th 2017 at 5:10 AM
5. Minimap
The minimap goes back to current area, everytime a new bunch of enemys enters the screen. If you are insta-killing and want to go back, it's very difficult... going back more than to the last 5 areas is nearly impossible. Same if you have Bushwacker in the formation and you're 1-click-killing... particularly because clicking on the left arrow of the minimap and the area you want to go are counted as clicks towards enemys.

35 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 19th 2017 at 3:09 AM
to 3:
Seems like no or not all abilitys activate, when you swap in benched crusaders. I put Brogon on the field this morning, and he didn't heal anyone. Same with Penny and Trash pickup.

When they are on the field while starting the game on mobile, everything is fine.
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