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Codename Entertainment Forums > Crusaders of the Lost Idols > General/Strategy Discussion > SO MAD!!
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- Posted December 25th 2016 at 3:12 PM
AnimenutLet me just start this by saying this is just me venting. Not meant to sound like I'm asking for advice or anything. Just venting my "##@#(#$ SOUP *##!!%#@ STEPPING ON A @*($*@ LEGO *$!@*#^% SONIC 06 &&@(!#&@!!!!!!" emotions.
So, I've had two goals recently. First, succeed in the mission to get RoboRabbit. Second, finally use Bush Whacker to push my way to area 1000 to get the related achievement. The Christmas buff gave me the boost I would need to reach area 1000 with Whacker's help, but I had sent him on Roborabbit's mission before the buff happened, so I was unable to use him until the mission finished earlier today. Due to Christmas plans, I was not able to actually complete the mission until moments before posting this. So, my two goals had the following requirements... #1) Unlock Roborabbit: Complete the mission, which had 88% success rate. #2) Reach area 1000: Have access to Bush Whacker when mission finishes for around an hour or two to push past the last 50-or-so areas. This means that failing #1 has a 12% chance, and failing #2 would require failing #1 (12% chance) and then ALSO having Whacker be one of the injured crusaders (about a 2:5 ratio, roughly 40% chance). If my math is right, then that means that the conditions to fail #2 are around a 5% chance (40% of 12%). That is a 1-in-20 chance for those of you that don't know what 5% probability is. The fact that I'm writing this should tell you how it all turned out. Rubbing salt into the wound? Whacker becomes healthy again barely 2 hours after the buff wears off. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! |
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- Posted December 25th 2016 at 6:35 PM
Matthew KliparchukVenting is fine but dont used masked profanity thats a good way to get u into trouble i know u meant it as gibberish but doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out.
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- Posted December 25th 2016 at 8:13 PM
ihatethisfingi dunno.....im having trouble figuring out soup and lego
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- Posted December 25th 2016 at 8:28 PM
Raymondi just have to laugh thinking he thinks that bw will get him to 1,000
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- Posted December 25th 2016 at 8:42 PM
AnimenutRaymond, just switching out a basic buffer for Bush Whacker got me from 910 to 950. Considering the Christmas buff allowed me to easily get to 930 before even switching to pure DPS (as opposed to DPS/Gold), and then that "pure DPS" build reaching 950? The Bush Whacker buff would easily push to 1000 with the extra 6% crit chance giving an extra 300% dps buff.
Considering Bush Whacker can quite literally boost your damage output by a consistent...say...500% at least? Not including crits potentially septupling that or more. It's a shame people don't bother figuring out how to use such an incredibly useful crusader. |
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- Posted December 26th 2016 at 5:37 AM
TeschioRaymond is right. It doesn't matter how easily you can get to 950, all that matters are the last 50 areas. In which you would have a CAPPED DPSer. Yes, BW can increase damage considerably (much more than 500%), but it derives his damage from other DPSers. Which are capped at 6k levels. You can use buffs as much as you want, until the cap is raised, you can forget about area 1000 (unless with some tanking shenanigans)
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- Posted December 26th 2016 at 11:10 AM
AnimenutLast Edited December 26th 2016 at 1:29 PM Teschio, Bush Whacker gets its click damage from the crusaders around it. With my current items, setting Whacker next to my DPSer actually results in my click damage being double what my DPS is. Mind you, "DPS" means "damage per second." Per second. Ergo, that number is the damage dealt over the course of one full second. However, a player can click many times per second, and get critical hits. If the average player clicks 5 times per second (assuming click damage = DPS) then that is already a 5x multiplier. However, in my own case, my click damage is slightly more than double my DPS, so that would become about a 10x multiplier. Factor in a 25% chance of doing 650% more damage (750% total damage) and that averages out to about another 30% damage increase (750/25). Assuming starting DPS is 5.00e180...
5 * 10 = 50 * 1.3 (30%, on average) = 65; so the resulting average "damage per second" (not DPS) would be about 65.0e180 (or rather, 6.5e181), and that is not including the separately-stacking 400% buff (x5 multiplier) for clicking an enemy directly, as well as the Christmas buff giving yet another 300% (x4 multiplier) DPS buff, both with stack separate from eachother, and are therefor multiplicative, not cumulative, boosting that 65.0e180 to 1300.0e180 (or 1.3e183). Note that the starting 5.00e180 is extremely low for being in the mid-900s, so it was used purely as a base for the calculations, not as an actual DPS by that point, which would be closer to 1.00e182. If we plug that number in... 1 * 10 = 10 * 1.3 = 13 * 5 * 4 = 260e182 (or 2.6e184) All of this without any "usable" buffs. Adding in power boost-type and accuracy-type buffs would DRASTICALLY increase that number from just the accuracy-types giving 100% crit chance by themselves, let alone the additional 700% (minimum) crit damage buff from those items. And that is STIIIIIIIILL not calculating in the "Savage Strikes" x1.5 base DPS buff if things get tight. |
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- Posted December 27th 2016 at 12:59 AM
TeschioAnimenut, have you TRIED to go past the cap? My BW does triple my DPS in a single click, he clicks 40 times per second (autoclicker), I have 1.5 mill idols and have maxed every relevant talent, and STILL this is not enough to get to level 1000, even with the best formation and all the buffs you can imagine. And this is because of level cap. It really doesn't matter how much you BW increases your damage, once your main DPSer is capped: let's assume that he increases your damage 10k times (it doens't), how much do you think monster HP increase in the last 30 areas you miss? More or less than 10k times? Way, way more. Even with Savage Strikes refreshed with warps every single time its effect is over, this is not enough. Seriously, I tried, and I'm fairly certain I have more idols than you do... I could only get to area 986, and those 14 areas may seem easy, but they are not. Such is the power of level cap...
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- Posted December 27th 2016 at 4:52 AM
thedudeLast Edited December 27th 2016 at 4:57 AM Honestly, if you have a good tank formation, you might be better off with the Robo-rabbit than BW. Personally, I always get stopped on boss levels due to the increasing DPS that bosses do. On a standard level, I get a big DPS boost due to Jack O'Lantern's ability. The Robo-rabbit allows me to take some of that DPS into boss levels due to his wind up and clicking capacitor abilitys. I am going to attempt a level 1K run with my last run in this event formation, and I will let you know how it goes.
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- Posted December 27th 2016 at 10:13 AM
AnimenutTeschio, I've gotten to area 960 without the Christmas buff and without the relevant click talents having any levels. That is why the buff was so important. Firebird giving a 200% boost compared to Fright-o-Tron was a very helpful bit of extra DPS, plus the extra 6% crit chance giving, well, 6% more crit chance and 300% more damage (due to maxed talent), plus the difference of maxing the direct clicking and crit damage talents, the sizable Storm Rider buff (stacked on top of golden epic buff), and if needed, using warps to quickly refresh Savage Strikes, it isn't unreasonable to think that 40 levels could be covered.
For safe measure, use a few rare warps to get 8 exp each and stack a few more super-buffed, magnified Storms whenever you want to cool down Savage Strikes. Also keep in mind that levels are capped, but DPS is not. That is kind of the point of exp points. If you have more buffs than I do, and I can wipe my butt with my overabundance of warps, then you can spare a few epic/rare warps to grind out that extra dps needed for the last few areas. Thedude, I don't have Roborabbit. That is why I was on a mission to get it. However, non-geared up, I doubt it would compared to a golden/epic-geared BW. Still, let us know how your 1k attempt goes. |
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- Posted December 27th 2016 at 1:38 PM
TeschioOh, I get to 960 and past that on my regular FARMING runs. But then I cap my DPSer (which for those runs it's Alien, so I can reach the cap much later!). And there's NO WAY to progress after that (barring tanking formations or similar shenanigans. Certainly not with pure damage). Seriously, you can't realize how hard it is until you try. When damage doesn't increase but monster health does (exponentially), you CANNOT continue. It doens't matter if you have all the buffs in the world. I can safely assume that I have more idols than you (1.51 millions), ALL talents maxed, and I find it impossible, even after gold was worthless because of the cap and I switched in DPS buffers instead of gold farming crusaders. I was suprised too, I aksed myself "how hard can it be to do those last 50 stages, when I still instakill monsters at level 950?". The answer is, very hard. Impossibly hard. 50 stages seem like nothing, but with the level cap in place, you CANNOT make it. Please, try it even without buffs (or at least without rare ones), see how HARD each next stage is. Even if you manage to get to 990 with only the BW and common+uncommon+rare buffs and savage strikes and storms (and you WON'T make it to 990, I assure you), you need 100 times more damage than THAT to finish the last 10 levels. Seriously, TRY IT. Because you are theory-crafting without any actual knowledge, whereas I tried it.
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- Posted December 28th 2016 at 9:25 PM
thedudeAnd so ends the test. I cleared 955 in my standard formation, and gave up at 983 in my tank/click formation. I suppose I could have kept going for a while, but even with 1.3 million idols, level one thousand is not doable in a reasonable time frame. Even with the Pumpkin maxed out, the Gryphon and Mama Kaine both with their golden epics, I couldn't pass 985 and couldn't survive long term on 984.
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- Posted December 29th 2016 at 5:32 AM
TeschioExactly... imagine how hard those last 15 levels would have been. Until the cap is raised, getting to 1k is next to impossible. The problem is, people won't believe until they try. And even after that, there will be someone saying "but maybe with weekend buffs and the right formation I could make it"... not unless those weekend buffs increase your DPS by a factor of 1000.
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- Posted December 29th 2016 at 5:53 AM
thedudeI do feel it might, possibly, have been possible if Jack O'Lantern was under the Merman or somebody else later in the list, rather than Natalie Dragon, right at the beginning. If I had been able to keep increasing his health, I would have been able to keep going. The fact that he hit the level cap before the bad guys ever hit him was, in my opinion, the major issue.
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- Posted December 29th 2016 at 7:15 AM
ErichThank you to the folks casually debating in this thread (I say that sincerely). I was thinking "Hey, maybe I can try a 1k run for this event", and this pretty much got me thinking "You know, trying for the Mission Impossible achievement would be a better goal for now", heh :)
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- Posted January 1st 2017 at 6:32 AM
GoldenNewb!I did level 1000. My 2 most important crusaders were Littlefoot and the Exterminator. The Exterminator was boosted by the Turkey and Momma Kaine. The Robo Rabbit was used to click with. The exterminator was surrounded by robots. At level 960 (on a special event); your levels are maxed and the gold is not in play anymore.
So Littlefoot and 30 minute timeturners were the answer. The magnify + stormrider EP boost was the difference. When these were combined with the other boosts, I clicked my way to level 1000. |
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- Posted January 1st 2017 at 12:49 PM
snowGrats, how many idols did you have?
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- Posted January 4th 2017 at 2:05 PM
AnimenutThat is exactly what I was thinking, GoldenNewb. Even if the main DPSer has capped, you can still push a fair few levels by applying the "time = rewards" mechanics of the game, scraping those last bits of DPS through XP and Storm Rider stacks. Like I said before, if you dump in enough warps ("Deloreans" if you want to micromanage Storm stacks, rare/epic if you want tons of XP), you can "artificially" continue strengthening the main DPSer, plus a helpful side-boost from Littlefoot's ever-increasing buff. That is what I had planned to do with the weekend buffs since I've pushed 40 levels before.
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- Posted January 7th 2017 at 3:07 PM
Lisa Gordonfor the record Teschio, I hit area 1000 without any shenanigans (tanking or otherwise) in the thanksgiving event so it is possible:
http://bio79.imgur.com/all/ another fb player did also I didn't use bw though and am not saying bw would have pushed animenut there - I think you'd need to be closer than 950 but I can't say |
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- Posted January 22nd 2017 at 9:04 AM
KameRoseI made it to 1,000 during the Thanksgiving event as well. With three sets of buffs and two deloreans. The Deloreans were more that I was impatient for the cool down on savage strikes then for firebombing. I think I was around 1.5M then, probably a little under. I had all my clicking talents maxed though.
http://prntscr.com/deqo3r |
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