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Codename Entertainment
Newbie Questions

38 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 27th 2016 at 6:35 PM
1. Is there a way to view the total bonuses from achievements?

2. What's up with Sasha only having 6 abilities when everyone else gets 7? Am I missing something with her?

3. I've seen mention of a level cap - what is it?

4. It appears that if you unlock crusaders during an event, if you don't manage to gear them up during the event, you have to wait till it rolls around again the following year to get gear for them. Is this true?

5. There was a very mathematical discussion on the wiki about idol effects and a misleading (or perhaps outdated) discussion on the kongregate forum regarding the recommended number of idols for various campaigns. (I say outdated because my experience so far is vastly different from its recommendations.) I've found some of the campaigns to be relatively doable with the minimum qualifications and others much much more difficult. Is there a better guide somewhere? Is there any general rule about how many idols you should have to get to each 100th level, ie 300, 400, 500, etc?

6. I've got around 2500 idols so far, and other than unlocking tier 2, I'm mostly spec'ed in Efficient Crusading and Overenchanted. Is there anything else I should be looking at, at this stage?

7. I've been using Jim and Natalie as my main DPS and just levelling the heck out of them. Is that generally the preferred strategy or is there some point that I'm missing in levelling the other crusaders past 200? Would I be better off with 1 DPS instead of 2, or even 3?

526 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 27th 2016 at 7:45 PM
Matthew Kliparchuk
1. no

2. im not sure

3. is something u wont have to worry about for along time if ur just starting.

4 U can get gear missions for event crusaders every once in awhile.

5. Not sure

6.Spend it all is use passive crits is also nice I like set bonus my self, speed looter and scavenger are also nice.

7.jim and natilie are nice but ull find as u gear the other crusaders they will be much beter.

319 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 27th 2016 at 8:47 PM

2. everyone has wondered that

3. 5000 without investing in the talent that raises the maximum to 6000 when maxed out. (and yeah it'll be a long time like klipar said)


5. the minimum amount if idols suggested on objectives has always been viewed to me as a joke. i've always needed much more than it said, in many cases.


7. if you have spots open in the formation, why not use them? it adds toward your total dps. (sounded like you werent using as many as you could)

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 27th 2016 at 9:36 PM
the Sasha thing is simply to piss off OCD people.
to see your total achievement value you can simply add then up, there's only 3 kinds of rewards in that, click, gold and dps. I think the achievements listed when mobile might actually do the sum for you. o have 25l click, 175% gold and 453% dps.
7. leveling others then your main dps'ers, long before a reset, usually does nothing for you but if they are in the front of your formation then highly leveled people have high healing power and can survive longer when being attacked.

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 28th 2016 at 3:59 AM
1. Not that I know of
2. It's on the to-do list
3. no crusader can have more than 5000 levels (6000 if you max the VERY expensive talent that raises the cap. And even that's not enough after a while)
4. Gear missions can give you equips, but they are rare, and practically useless to gear a crusader from scratch (they are very useful to improve existing gear, though)
5. I've always used about 10 times the recommended idols for every objective (tier 2 and 3 it's even MORE than that). And this is because trying an objective that takes weeks is insane: you should ALWAYS instakill, al least until the very last stages, or you will lose in efficiency. Even when farming idols, the moment you don't instakill enemies anymore is the moment to reset. IF an objective takes more than 12 hours, abandon it and try it again when you have more idols
6. with 2500 idols, don't bother about tier 2, there are many tier 1 objectives you won't do for a very long time. If you are in for the long run, I suggest talents that increase your idol gain, i.e. Efficient Crusading and Deep Idol Scavenger. Sprinkle in some DPS talents every once in a while to keep your damage high enough, but since 99.9% of the time you will be farming, not completing objectives, idol gain is more useful. FYI, it requires about 1.55M idols to max all talents.
7. usually, you should use only one DPSer, and everyone else buffs him. There's no point is having other crusaders past level 200 at the moment, except in tanking formations (ONLY useful for objectives), in which you should level up your tank as well since it gives him health.

10 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 23rd 2016 at 7:21 PM
Last Edited December 23rd 2016 at 7:24 PM
Overenchanted isn't great early on, since you don't have all that many enchantments. This is especially true for event Crusaders, since you won't get enchantment points for them from opening regular chests (another tip: for that reason, you should always do enchantment missions with event Crusaders when possible, since it's the only realistic way to get a decent number of enchantments on them. You'll get hundreds of enchantment points on the default Crusaders simply by continuing to open silver chests).

Maxing out Efficient Crusading should be a high priority early on. I recommend also getting at least 10 or so ranks in Passive Criticals - it is a very nice DPS boost, and it turns Savage Strikes and crit buffs into MASSIVE DPS boosts that will help a lot with beating bosses and continuing to progress. Farming idols is the main way you progress in this game, so the talents that help you farm idols more efficiently are super important. Later on, once you unlock Tier 3, you'll want to prioritize Deep Idol Scavenger for the same reason (but it gets really expensive before long, so you'll probably want to mix in some DPS-boosting talents and not just beeline for maxed DIS).

As for when to complete objectives, the general rule of thumb is - when in doubt, wait. Each one gets you somewhere from 1 to 3 jeweled chests, which is not that big of a deal. It's definitely not worth doing them if it will take you a long time to complete them, and especially if you will have to use a lot of buffs. You're better off doing Free Play runs until you have enough idols to steamroll the objective and instakill enemies pretty much all the way to the end. The tooltips don't make this terribly clear, but all of the Free Plays give pretty significant buffs to gold drops, making them much more efficient for farming idols compared to playing objectives. You'll eventually want to do all the tier 1 objectives to unlock the tier 2 objectives that reward you with new crusaders, but that's a long ways off for you.

You might want to use a tool like this to help you decide which talents to get. It does all the math for you to let you know which ones will give you the most added DPS per idol. Don't rely on these exclusively, though - they undervalue passive criticals since they don't account for the huge buff it gives to Savage Strikes and crit buffs, and they won't tell you when it's a good idea to pick up some of the utility talents like Upgrade Them All and Speed Looter (pretty much gotta play it by ear for those and decide when their idol costs don't feel like they will slow down your progression much).

It's usually best to focus on a single DPSer and stop leveling other crusaders past 200 until you're ready to reset. The main exception to this would be objectives that have a mechanic which can temporarily debuff or disable individual Crusaders at random - for those objectives, you'll want to level other Crusaders so your progress isn't completely stalled whenever your main DPSer gets debuffed/disabled. Spend It All is very helpful in this scenario (and it's pretty handy in general, even if you only use it at the end of a run to maximize idol gains).

319 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 23rd 2016 at 11:31 PM
Last Edited December 23rd 2016 at 11:32 PM
and here i thought posts couldnt be revived after 2 memory is awful. i guess it is a month :x
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