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Codename Entertainment
Newbie questions

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 22nd 2016 at 2:33 AM
I tried this game on Kongregate awhile ago and it's really cool and found out that it is available on iOS/Android so now I'm playing it on my Android phone. My questions are, playing COTLI in Kong and phone are just the same? I mean I think there is an ongoing event right now but when I played it on my phone there's no something like that. And I signed up for newsletter and I got this rare gear and the code, how do I put it if I play on phone? I didn't link my kong account on my phone so my account on my phone is new and it's gmail.

257 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 22nd 2016 at 3:29 AM
Last Edited November 22nd 2016 at 3:29 AM
Check the options menu of the game on mobile, it allows you to log into your Kongregate account and thus sync the game on both devices.

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 22nd 2016 at 10:23 AM
@ Pilo: Welcome back to the game.

Android and Apple don't allow for coupon redemption in the app, so you need to have your game linked to Kong, so you can enter the codes through an app that lets you use the Flash version on your phone, or by going to Crusaders on Kong on a computer.

The versions are pretty similar otherwise, though mobile doesn't have the saved formations yet. Because you are also on a mobile device with a limited, there is offline auto-progress which is 45 seconds an area as long as your DPS will let you advance.
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