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Codename Entertainment
How weighted is the gear from event chests?

130 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 19th 2016 at 11:54 AM
Right now in the Dr. Evil's Summer Sabotage, I've gotten about 5 or 6 jeweled event chests, and lots of silver event chests...

... and (almost) all the gear has been for Veronica. The pieces I've got on Bubba? The crappy swimming cap, one being common and the other uncommon.

So, I know RNG is a thing, but I've always had this suspiscion that certain gear (not speaking rarity here) is more weighted than others, but that could just be my inner conspiracy theorist talking.

Anyone else experiencing the same, or is this just my bad luck?

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 19th 2016 at 12:03 PM
Your bad luck. For my Bubba I got 2 epics and a rare (one of the epics was a duplicate because I already bought the GE, but still, I dropped the epic from a chest). In my experience items are random, not weighted in any way. And this means that sometimes you'll get crappy stuff (I have 2 event crusaders that don't even have 3 pieces of gear each, and one of the two they have is common!), other times you can get 2-3 epics on an event crusader.

130 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 21st 2016 at 9:26 AM
Well, I was thinking more on an individual basis. I don't know the real expression, but I think it is something along the lines of "corrupt seed". What that means is that it will, by mistake, make it so your RNG is gonna get corrupted and thus go more towards one side than the other. It a not all too uncommon bug that can occur in certain video games.

It is extra frustrating right now, cuz I just got ANOTHER cap on Bubba (3rd one right now, and it is still the only item I have on him), while I keep getting the rare bow over and over for Veronica... It just feels fishy somehow.

Sure, I guess it is just RNG in the end, but it would be nice to know if it could be a potential "corrupt seed" bug going on *shrugs*

164 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 28th 2016 at 6:32 AM
It's luck based to get rarer items like that.
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