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Codename Entertainment

324 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 17th 2016 at 12:44 AM
Ben Strijker
Are they going to be global missions? so all players combined? I really do hope so.
A nice general discussion of what we hope to see.

(during the weekend)
Resetting the world 500.000 times. (500k times)
Leveling up crusaders 100e100 times. (a 100 with a hunderd 0's behind it)

participation reward: a jeweld(event) chest
(exmpl 1 reset of the world)

minimum required effort reward: 5 idols
(exmpl 5 reset of the world)

You did your best reward: 5 extra jeweld(event) chest
(exmpl 10 resets of the world)

Pulling the wagon reward: 4 extra jeweld(event chest and 5 extra idols.
(exmpl 25 resets of the world)

Yes I know it can be rushed the resetting of the world. So I should be higher but it is just an example so it can be faulty.

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 17th 2016 at 4:47 AM
Data is stored locally in this game, so no multiplayer or global feature is possible.

PS: 100e100 levels is absolutely impossible to reach: if one BILLION people played this game (and I am pretty sure they do not...), and they all reached level 5000 with every crusader (the current level cap) 5 times a day, it would take them about 5.5e84 YEARS. Which is about 400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times the age of the universe. Please, before throwing numbers out there, try doing some math.

324 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 17th 2016 at 8:56 AM
Ben Strijker
The reason I do not do the math ... or use it in examples is because math gives an awnser that is solid. It locks in.

But fine if you want me to do the math.

20 characters you have ... each reach level 2000 so that is 40.000 levels in 1 "run". And per your example 5 run a day equals 200.000. weekends are two days long so that sums it up to an 400.000 per person.

100e100/400.000 = 2.500e93 players during one weekend.

Granted I may have overstate the amount of level ups in my post.

But now you state it over an multiple year time.

So let us first take a week people work/school so that is an 2 runs per regular day.
40.000 per run x 10= 400.000+weekend 400.000 = 800.000

100e100/800.000 = 1.250e93 (weeks)

1.250e93 / 52 = 24 038 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 461 538 (years)

So you need to do some better math to before saying some random nummers.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 17th 2016 at 9:41 AM
it quite doesn't matter in the least if it takes a billion times the length of the universe or 10^some number times that.
impossible is impossible always

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 17th 2016 at 3:42 PM
Ben, dude, you clearly said something that makes no sense (4e73 times the age of the universe!!!) and now try to cover it up with some random numbers? You clearly didn't think before posting, no matter how much you try to change the subject now.

I clearly stated my assumptions: one BILLION people (you made calculations for ONE person), max level with every crusader, 5 runs a day every day (I never talked about weekends specifically. You said that). And with my assumptions, my calculation is correct (your isn't by the way, since 100e100/400.000 = 2.500e96, not e93).

Now, you can talk as much as you want, but one fact is undeniable: you did NOT think about that idea before throwing it out to the public. And you clearly have no idea what order of magnitude some things can be. A googol, or 1e100, is more than the number of ATOMS in the known universe. No physical quantity can EVER be that high.

12 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 17th 2016 at 6:45 PM
Ron Howard
This isn't a bad suggestion. Don't worry too much about the number they can be adjusted no problem but the core suggestion is cool.

301 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 18th 2016 at 1:15 AM
Data for this game Teschio is stored on the servers they rent from Amazon. So not locally.
Post by Kim Jong Un deleted May 20th 2016 at 9:45 PM
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