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Codename Entertainment
Raised bundle and chest prices

3 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 2nd 2016 at 1:25 PM
Just wanted to let you know that I don't understand why you raised the chest prices and also raised the cheapest bundle from 2.99 to 4.99.
For me that is too much for a game that just runs in the background. I don't need anything from those chests - I always bought them at EVERY event to support you guys. But not anymore unless you offer a cheaper bundle again.

31 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 2nd 2016 at 6:32 PM
"I don't need anything from those chests - I always bought them at EVERY event to support you guys. But not anymore unless you offer a cheaper bundle again."

Funny when people say they buy chests to support the devs when they really want the stuff being offered and don't give shit about the devs.

If you were paying truly to support the devs, why would you stop when the price goes up a bit? you could just buy something every two events instead of every event?

This is just laughable.

3 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 2nd 2016 at 10:36 PM
Not sure why you are calling me a liar and try to ridicule my concerns. It is my wallet and not yours.
If you feel like paying at least $5 for a FREE-TO-PLAY game then go ahead. I am not...

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 2nd 2016 at 11:37 PM
See, MadPAM, Supervised has a point: if your goal is to support the devs, and you decide to spend x money on that, then it really doesn't matter what the cost of a bundle is, because you don't HAVE to buy one at every event. If the price doubles, you buy one every two events and you end up spending the exact same amount. No, the ONLY reason for you complaint is that you want the stuff, namely the golden epic. I am not debating how much money you should spend on the game, that is entirely up to you, but at least don't say you spend money to support the devs, because you clearly don't. A little honesty, please.

134 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 2nd 2016 at 11:43 PM
Personally, I have been purchasing chest packs for the golden epics. I have never really cared about the chests. I currently have every GE that has been offered since the start of the game.

$3 for GE equipment, I would do it as soon as I had recruited both of the crusaders, or as soon as it came out if it was for a standard. $5 for a GE and a buff that I really don't care about, I'm going to wait until the end of the event, and only buy it if I don't have standard epic (or possibly the rare) already equipped. If they offer $2 or $3 for just the equipment, then I would be back on board.

*shrug* I suspect that this move will reduce the number of longer term players purchasing packs, but total income will remain about the same. On the other hand, new players will not be used to the having the $3 option, and will be more willing to shell out the $5.

On a side note, MadPAM, if you were truly purchasing the chest bundles just to support the devs, you could give almost the exact same money per quarter as you do now simply by purchasing something in 3 out of every 5 events. Individual amounts don't matter, (not to them and not to your bank account,) what matters is amount per time period.

9 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 3rd 2016 at 4:32 AM
Last Edited May 3rd 2016 at 4:34 AM
For me personally the shift from 3 to 5 Dollars has made it much more simple. As for the $3 I was always tempted to buy the GE-card, and sometimes also did. But for $5 that's a no brainer. I will definitely not buy it...

For as has been said before: I also only buy it because of the GE-card. I don't mind the chests at all!
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