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Codename Entertainment
Political Event!!

30 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 15th 2016 at 6:23 PM
We have crusaders, right? Who fight bad guys, right? And lots of our crusaders / missions have some elements of humor, right? And we have a lunatic 'businessman' who's terrifyingly close to clinching a presidential nomination in a situation that you have to laugh at to keep from crying. Devs, how are you not using this to your advantage?!? Think about it:
- The tokens could be hanging chads.
- One of the missions would be a politician who talks about how he's going to give everyone huge gold buffs and dps buffs but in reality is a huge gold and dps sink - the only way to beat him is to vote (reset) as fast as possible since the longer he's active the worse he is.

What are other peoples' suggestions?

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 16th 2016 at 3:05 PM
As much as I agree with you about the current political situation, I don't think a game should "take sides"... statistically, there would be some players that support a certain insane candidate, it would not be very smart for the devs to alienate them (expecially since they tend to be quite susceptible...).
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