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Codename Entertainment
Kyle the party bro

31 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 5th 2016 at 12:56 AM
I got Kyle's epic Keg from a free chest, which increase Mosh Pit effect by 400%. So now Mosh Pit increases Kyle's base DPS by 250% for each adjacent smashed crusader. I was wondering if Kyle can be a strong dpser.

There are on average ~3 smashed crusaders around Kyle if placed well. So that's +750% base DPS from Mosh Pit. However, Kyle is still a very weak dps crusader compared some female crusaders. Comparing Kyle with Pam:

Kyle with best gear/formation: 2*2*2*8.5*1.2*5*1.4= 571
Pam with best gear/formation: 2*2*2*2*3*5*5 = 1200
not to mention female character can be buffed by Siri up to 300% which makes it 3600.

If Kyle is not meant to be dpser then the Mosh Pit seems to be weird on him. I think Kyle is quite like Frosty in terms of their abilities. What do you guys think?

10 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 9th 2016 at 5:25 PM
I don't have Pam; I assume that's a crusader from a previous timed event? I just started playing recently, so the only alternate crusaders I have are Kyle the Party Bro and Larry the Leprechaun.

I can say from experience that Kyle is a very strong DPSer compared to the default set of crusaders. I only have the +100% Mosh Pit item, but I have epics for his other two slots (giving +40% all crusader dps and +400% to Kyle's DPS). At various points during a run he is either the vast majority of my DPS output or roughly tied with Natalie. I have him positioned to activate his three conditional buffs (i.e., I have an animal, a female crusader, and Larry the Leprechaun all adjacent to him), with Artaxes behind him and Sasha in front for additional buffs, and with Khouri buffing either him or Natalie depending on which has higher DPS at the time.
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