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Codename Entertainment
Idol Shop Update?

12 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 5th 2016 at 7:30 PM
William Cummings
Hello!! I know that the idol shop is not ready yet and is taking longer then expected, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask if there was any new information on the talents that will be available at this point.

Like a general idea of what they will be and their effects? I believe we already know 2 of them, one that will allow you to get something from your cooldown reduction past 50% (I believe it was planned to convert to additional dps), and the other was to increase the cross over of EP from one champion to it's alter ego.

Pretty sure that was the only ones we had heard about so far, and neither of those seem like active abilities.

So I was wondering if we could get a bit more information. Also, is there going to be just 3 talents per tree (3 active/passive/utility) talents, with a requirement of reaching area 300 for second tier and 600 for 3rd?. I'm curious how much of a difference the talent tree is going to make. I know before (this was quite awhile ago now), we were told that the idol shop would help bridge the gap between the 1000 idol quests and 4000 idol quests...which could have a fairly large impact.

We have already recently gained (At least for some of us) the turkey, which was a large dps boost, and then the buff up ability (double dps for 4 hours if you watch a video). That was a significant increase in over all dps right there, even just the buff up ability can make starting off much faster for instance. The talents from the idol shop could also make a significant difference so it would be nice to have an idea as to what they are going to be, and how much of an effect they will have.

Thanks for any information you can give us!! Trying to be patient and not trying to rush you all, but am curious what the future holds.

83 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 24th 2016 at 8:38 AM
+1, the idols shop is actually a joke, only feature that could be free added outside of idol shop... Reach 600 for the 3rd is a joke too... how many idols its need ?!?! They have so many way to improve the shop...

chest find%
jeweled chance%
epic chance%
enchants +%
exp +%
idols gain each 500 lvl (-lvl)
each buffs and abilities increase
Cost to lvl up decrease
trinket boost
cd trinket fix
more daily quest
increase ruby gain in daily quest

others improvment to the game :
redo a quest already done with harder objective
redo event
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