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Codename Entertainment
Bug: Too Many Warps Broke Skill Bar in Thanksgiving Freeplay

2 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 28th 2015 at 6:42 AM
Last Edited November 28th 2015 at 6:49 AM
I used around 1,000 hours of warps in a Thanksgiving Event freeplay in order to reach Zone 500 for the achievement (and for kicks), and this happened at somewhere around Zone 400.


Even though I never even used a skill (Totally forgot about all the magnified storm riders I could have used - Oops!), they all went not only on cooldown, but a hilariously long cooldown.

The run started before the anti-turkeylag hotfix, and finished after it.

I doubt this will ever be replicated/come up again, but it seems kind of interesting. Is it the Cooldown Reduction aspect of the warps breaking it, or is it something else altogether?

EDIT: I forgot to mention; I used Nate's ability to reset the world, and the skill bar returned to normal functionality. It is pretty much just an "out of curiosity" post.
Post by Nepenthe deleted November 28th 2015 at 6:49 AM

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 30th 2015 at 4:04 PM
Hi Nepenthe,

Thanks for the report.

I've added it to the fix list.

Not sure what would have caused it at this point, though there was an older bug where you could have ridiculously long cooldowns if you were absent from the game for a few days.

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