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Codename Entertainment
Bug still not fixed: Pete's "Bad Joke" Ability

6 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 14th 2015 at 3:24 PM
I posted this early last month:

Pete's "Bad Joke" states "Increase the Base DPS of Crusaders farthest away from Pete the Carney by 50%", yet in Frizz's Field Trip, that buff affects the children.


Emo's "Lone Wolf" states "Increase the Base DPS of Emo Werewolf by 200% when there is no human Crusaders next to Emo Werewolf", yet this ability is UNAFFECTED by children located right next to Emo.

So.. the implementation of these two abilities is broken/buggy.

New formation exacerbates the issue in "Not in Kansas Anymore".
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