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Codename Entertainment
Update v0.33 (Carnival Event)

7 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 3rd 2015 at 11:59 PM
Lotus Blade
This event is really enjoyable i must say. Fisrt of all, the whole new campaign idea is really good and remaking UI for new chests reduced lag for oppening them to 0. Now it works really smooth.

The tickets idea is also nice. But the more improtant - now there is a real point to use my Time Warps, which i have collected a lot and spared for better future.

That said, would be really enjoyful and nice to get upcoming content with similar benefits, but this time for using manual click buffs. I have stacked a lot of them and dont really want to throw away for normal quest. I have came to thinking, what if there will be special Campaign, where you will be able to deal ONLY manual clicking damage? What do you think?

Yet, there is not enaught info about current evet - people getting pretty confused. For example, when i first started it, i though ill get Carnival chests from every 5 waves. Eventually i found that its a wrong thinking... Then i looked into last Carnival mission and thought the same - "in free mode ill be able to get carnival chests per 5 waves, so i should not beat any extra waves after 150" (required to beat all other mission in this campaign). Wrong again. Just pointing, that something should be done with events explanation, since (and i hope so) there will be more of those coming. Right? Right!

Nice to see, that this game not only took first place over Idle genre, but also has really good and often updates, which are saving interest and granting more and more fun. Looking forward for it :)

24 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 4th 2015 at 2:54 AM
Last Edited October 4th 2015 at 2:54 AM
..."what if there will be special Campaign, where you will be able to deal ONLY manual clicking damage? What do you think?"

i think it's a very BAD idea :)

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 14th 2015 at 3:29 AM
i find the 3rd mission almost imposible, i still cant get it done even after the event. ty
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