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Codename Entertainment
Gold founds in chest - how are they calculated?

40 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 24th 2015 at 12:10 AM
I just thought I would be tricky with my 2 chests...

Opened chest number one, gained 1.01n "uncommon gold".

I opened the other chest 2 levels later and gained "uncommon gold"...but only 1.00.

This leads me to the is this calculated? I guess it's not depending on the level you are playing, but it's either not possible that it depends on the Crusader-Levels, because I upgraded Kaine x25.

Do you get more gold from chests the more gold you have already?

85 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 24th 2015 at 2:54 AM
Thien Nguyen Dang
I don't know the exact formula, but it depends on the following conditions:

-Highest Zone reach in the current reset. But if your dps is not enough to kill a single mobs on the highest map, you gold gain will be capped at certain value.

-Your DPS BEFORE BUFFS. Click Dmg doesn't affect the gold gain.

-Your gold %, so Panda and Kaine is a must have whenever opening chest.

*Irregular rule: Since your GPS is lower in zone x1 or x6 (for example 41 and 86) than in the x4 and x9, if you open your chest when your highest zone reach is x1 and x6, you will receive less gold than what you could receive at x4,x9 and boss map.

13 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 24th 2015 at 8:06 AM
This might be relevant:

Both DPS and highest floor reached in current run act as a limiting factor for each other. Increasing DPS/gold bonus with buffs do not affect the gold though.

Also, gold received stabilizes far before you reach a zone where you can't kill a mob.

Regarding your gold gain, the gold you receive seems to be randomly distributed (about certain mean with fairly small standard deviation).
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