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Codename Entertainment
Hot Exploit

232 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 27th 2015 at 9:19 AM
Last Edited May 27th 2015 at 9:21 AM
I reported this a couple days before the Jungle update was released, but I haven't received a response to the ticket...

The ticket:
I almost discovered this one myself a long time ago, but when I got stuck trying to go around the first group of mobs, I gave up too easily!

^^ Here is a video Topol made showing the exploit. He only shared it with me, and for whatever reason didn't want to report it himself. I've not shared it with anyone else, but I did feel the need to try it for myself before reporting it :D Feel free to remove the 30-odd extra tokens I earned if you wish... I didn't try it for the tokens, but just for the sake of trying it :D

Other people must have discovered this exploit, because it's such a simple one... like I said above (in my ticket), I almost discovered it myself a long time ago...

I don't think it's fair that some people will have been benefiting from this "feature" (for god knows how long?), while the majority don't even know of it's existence.

From past experience, I've seen that the devs don't have the means or the will to correct unfair advantages, and since I reported it a few days ago (the the very same day I was aware of it), and they haven't even acknowledged it, I think everyone should know about it (because surely there are many others out there that have been unfairly using this exploit for a while).

Nothing seems fair in this game recently... so the small things I can do to help the fair-play, feel like a step in the correct direction.

Perhaps I should feel wrong about sharing this publicly... I don't know, I'm in 2 minds over weather I should post this in the forum (but obviously I have)... I kinda feel like it's 'us against the devs' recently... especially with all the nerfing... and I'm rather annoyed about wasting so much shardium and reforge crystals, reforging all of my gear to get speed, when it now appears fairly rubbish... I haven't heard the devs apologise or try to make up for it at all.

When real money is involved in purchasing a stat that we are led to believe is permanent, I have a problem with the ethics involved.

^^ I kinda drifted away from the HoT exploit here... but whatever :P

65 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 27th 2015 at 10:31 AM
bigfat-and agry ranting-rasta
well i noticed Ghost mode a long time ago, i might have even ticketed it at that time, but i didnt see any harm in it as i never thought you could actually finish the levels or get something out of it....

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 27th 2015 at 12:20 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Andaho,

Your ticket is still open because I haven't had time to look into that issue properly. My focus has been getting the last leg of the Jungle done. Your ticket was the first I had learned of it and it is something I intend to fix.

I have said it in the other threads and I will say it again here. Speed is still a very powerful stat. Having it on your gear is not a waste in any way.


52 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 31st 2015 at 2:57 PM
^^ This is fixed now, by the way.
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