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Codename Entertainment
Heroic Loot Examples.

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 9th 2015 at 11:26 AM
Last Edited May 12th 2015 at 7:44 AM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
EDIT - **** To prevent any possible confusion here, these chest are all set to have 5 items, most game chests have 3. What is important here is the relative drops of whites, greens, blues, and purples and how those increase as the tiers go up!. Not how many items are in a chest ****

Hi Everyone,

I know there has been some discussion around the type and level of loot being awarded in the different heroic tiers not being correct after our adjustment to remove higher rarity items from breakables.

I have received a few messages and tickets about it so I put together a quick test zone and opened 18 chests in each to show the difference in loot.

Tier 0 - Also known as Normal:

Tier 2 - Lucked out and won a slotting rod :)

Tier 6 - I see two purples! Warrior gloves?! but I'm a Wizard... lame.

Anyway, I think that should clear it up. Remember random chance is random, and you can still win lower rarity items on the higher tiers, you need a large enough sample size to really see the difference.

40 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 9th 2015 at 3:09 PM
Did you see the same expected numbers in Tiers 3-5 as well? And was this in SP or MP?

From my experience (completing 2-3 T4 and 2-3 T3 multiplayers a day and 6 T4 SP's a day) there is a large difference between to SP loot and the MP loot. Since the "nerf" to breakables I have found 7 epics from SP maps and none from MP's. Also in MP maps (including T3's) I am lucky to find one rare every two runs, whereas in the SP's I find 1-2 each run. This has been a trend that I have been observing since the nerf which gives a pretty large sample size.

As I am not the only one that has seen this same lack of rare/epic loot from the MP runs it seems to me that there is large evidence that something is going wrong somewhere. Did your test include loot bags as well? because the epics I found were all from loot bags in SP's except for 2 card shuffles.

5 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 9th 2015 at 3:44 PM
I notice that you didn't provide a sample of chests between tiers 3-5. I regularly do sps and mps mainly t4's and never get lots of loot from the bags and chests and if i do they are mainly white or green ones. A lot of times still no lootbag appears when there should be one. I think most people that are complaining are having the problems in tiers 3-5. i also noticed the gem drops seem a lot more in your sample. i'm lucky if i get 1 or 2 gems from quests a day. there used to be a lot more loot drops before the breakables nerf. I know i haven't imagined getting more loot, and better loot, in the past.

15 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 9th 2015 at 4:46 PM
Im going t3 mp every day. Four t3 mp per day. Last five days do the same. This is 40 chests per 5 days. I didnt get any blue/purple item or somethink better then green.
Otherwise, for example, yesterday I done t3 sp and get six blue items from chest and breakables in one single mission.
I think that this is not only my experience.

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 9th 2015 at 10:06 PM
Last Edited May 9th 2015 at 10:11 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Everyone,

The way the heroic boost works it applies a percentage increase to the loot, so its a simple multiply on the odds which is why I left out the in between tiers t1,t3,t4,t5 because its just a different multiplier. It is also my understanding that the system is not different for multiplayer, however seeing as I didn't write the system I did a few more tests to confirm and to alleviate any further concerns.

MP Tier 0(Normal)

MP Tier 1

MP Tier 2

MP Tier 3

MP Tier 4

MP Tier 5

Looks correct to me. Keep in mind there are a few less chests in this test than the above test. Also keep in mind that the occurrence of purples is rare enough that the sample size of even the 15 chests shown here doesn't have a large enough sample size to get a proper measurement - hence the purple on t2, but not on t3 in this test. Its a random and lucky occurrence.

25 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 10th 2015 at 1:56 AM
Alright out of this i got 1 question that needs to be answered.
Did you make ALL epic drops the same % chance to drop, or is it different % chance depending on which epic it is?
For an example=
Epic ring - 0.0001% drop chance
All other epic gear - 1% drop chance

Nobody cares about the other epic gear drops, we all are full HoT geared at this point. People only care about their epic speed ring that you guys more or less removed or made impossible to get.
I have definately opened way more chests, lootbags, turned cards and haven't gotten a single epic for 2 weeks, and i never go under T4 (unless it is a hard bounty)
I even do more than 6 SP/day, i do 11 SP every day by wasting 500 shards each time and even that doesn't help me get my damn rings.

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 10th 2015 at 10:20 AM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Chrismaz,

Equipment drops are not weighted by type. Rings have the same chance as any other piece of equipment.

Epic drops do get you epic scrap if nothing else, which can be used to make epic level up kits, which well... the level cap increase is coming...

Clearly everyone would have loved a purple ring. Even with the breakables having a shot at having epics in them the chances of getting an epic ring was very low. You would have had to break 100's of them to get one unless you were very very lucky.

Breakables ending up with epics in them was an unforeseen and unintended side effect of how we increased the odds of rares and epics in the heroic tiers. It was a bug... only a small handful of players lucked out and got a ring that way. I know it sucks if you didn't get one but most players didn't get lucky enough to get one. Because we are continually developing and adding new features to the game, when we release something new there is always a chance it will give more or less than expected. Edge cases we missed etc. Sometimes this will be in your favor! sometimes it might not be! But I think if you play through enough it will all even out :)

I will see if I can't make sure the next event has a way to get a purple ring...


25 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 10th 2015 at 11:35 AM
Thanks David!
That is all i needed to know. Looking forward to new contents soon! :)

65 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 10th 2015 at 2:35 PM
bigfat-and agry ranting-rasta
Carefull i have an account now and i am not afraid to use it ...... ;)

I know this has supposedly been fixed and tested with some effort, but in my experience it does not work properly.(at least in the sense most players would consider "working properly"). As we dont know the intended way to work, we only have the comparison to the time BEFORE the NERFING.

While i share your opinion, that the drop of EPIC gear from breakables had been inflatious, the drop of RARE items on the other hand has now not only significantly decreased, but almost stopped. I constanly run T4 and T5 (both mp and sp)and i pretty much keep track of all drops since the first nerfing.
I know there is a factor of "bad luck" but the sheer amount of runs over time (also backed up by many other players keeping track)should provide a representable result and cancel that out. This is especially true for MP runs which seem to produce barely green and almost no rare items anymore. Please mind that i am talking about T4 and T5 runs here!
Again if this is the way it is intended, we can end this discussion right here, but YOUR shown experience above and your statements suggest otherwise.

Also a lot of players reported getting better drops from lower tiers, so I did some tries there and i can conclude that lower tiers (t=2,3) in SP indeed show an overall higher drop of uncommon items than high tier (4,5) Sp runs. If this is on purpose to help lower players getting a leg up, then this may be a nice intention but it almost defeats the purpose of the higher TIERS`increased item rarity and drop chance.....

I know from my reforges that i am not a LUCKY player ;) but if my reported drops are indeed all due to beeing unlucky then so are ALL other players i talked to about this in game. And together this amounts to an incredibly huge number of runs which i can not longer attribute to just chance.

Again not trying to discredit your statement, but there is still clearly a discrepancy between the probably intended and realy experienced droprate.

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 10th 2015 at 4:14 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Bfr,

Actually to a fair extent you do know how it is suppose to work - we tell you on the tooltips on the heroic tier selectors when you select difficulty.

Tier 2 for example reads:

+40% gold and lumber drops
+20% improved gems
+20% equipment rarity
+2% rare equipment drops

So +40% gold and lumber is pretty obvious, it means if you were going to get 100 from a drop instead you get 140. You can see it pretty clearly in the shots above.

+20% improved gems means if you were going to get a flawed gem there is a 20% chance instead that you will get a regular gem, etc.

+20% equipment rarity means if you were going to get a green item there is a 20% chance instead it will be a blue item, and if you were going to get a blue item, there is a 20% chance it will be purple, etc. (This is also very visible in my test above, you can see the number of rares + epics going up with each tier)

+2% rare equipment drops means the chances of each rarity type have been increase 2% of their original values so if a chance of drop being green was 10% it is now 10.2% really a very small increase. (This is too small to be observable in my chest test above, the sample size is too small!!)

"Also a lot of players reported getting better drops from lower tiers, so I did some tries there and i can conclude that lower tiers (t=2,3) in SP indeed show an overall higher drop of uncommon items than high tier (4,5) Sp runs. If this is on purpose to help lower players getting a leg up, then this may be a nice intention but it almost defeats the purpose of the higher TIERS`increased item rarity and drop chance..... "

This is not the case, the system uses the numbers you see displayed in the tooltips (they come right from the data) and does not use any different system on the higher tiers.

Anecdotally you don't seem to be getting any rare drops. On the other hand anecdotally, before I came up with the idea of just putting down a lot of chests I tried to play through the spider bounty sp with a very over powered character to see what I would get. I got to T4 before realizing how long it would take to get a good sample size, but in that time (T1 to T4) I got 3 whites, 2 greens, and 2 blues. That does seem to be in line with what I see in the chest setup.

Remember random is random. It is something we have found (and we have been making games that use randomness to award items for over 5 years now) players very often struggle with. Heck even after years of university level probability and statistics I still find some of it to be very non-intuitive. What often throws people is if something has a probability of happening lets say 1 in 20 like rolling a 20 sided dice, they expect that every 20 rolls or so they should get a 20. But thats not random, that would actually be very consistent. What often happens, and is actually random would be to roll 2 20's in less than 20 rolls, and then not roll any twenties for more than 20 rolls.

This very thing is going to occur in the game, you could get lucky, and get 3 blues on a mission, and then get unlucky and not get any blues for the next 3. Its random... Now bear in mind previous rolls, or wins do not effect future rolls or wins. Which means you could get lucky and get blues over and over, with enough players the odds that this happens for some players is quite high. The same is true on the other side, not winning for a while doesn't change the odds in your favor, so again with enough players again the odds that this happens to someone are also quite high. This is actually why in some of our other games like EBA and Bushwhacker we track wins and slowly converge the odds if you go long enough without winning. It is possible that we need a system like that in Shards as well.


65 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 10th 2015 at 10:09 PM
bigfat-and agry ranting-rasta
well i teach chemistry in university and i deal with quantum mechanics-level math every day so i am pretty sure i know how statistic/stochastics works ..... ;)

.... and like i said i am aware of the concept of bad luck, still i think my own trackrekord (supported by a vivid exchange with other players) to be a suitably representative amount of data to rule that out. The "reroll-reference" was simply ment as a joke!

Again if the "way it is now" IS the way the game is intended to be then there is nothing wrong. But the ratio of overall drops of Non-white items vs "colored" is DEFINITIVELY much worse than before the Nerf. Even if I would consider the SP runs to be too divers to include, focusing on only MP runs (1 t4 forest, 1 t4 desert. 1 t5 desert. t3 + t4 bounty) every day over month, this still supports an overall massive decrease in rare/uncommon drops.

15 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 11th 2015 at 9:22 AM
Last Edited May 11th 2015 at 9:22 AM
If I understand ....decreased drop is caused only by nerved breakables. Because we gained most of green and blue items directly from breakables. Drop-rate from chest is same as was before nerving. Thats mean that chest´s drop-rate was always bad. Because we droped so many green and blue items right from breakables, so we didnt paid an attention on chests low drop-rate.
(sry for my english)

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 11th 2015 at 9:47 AM
Last Edited May 11th 2015 at 9:47 AM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Bfr,

I guess the way I am looking at it right now is is it dropping what we say it will on the tier tool tips. If it is then its working, if it's not then it's not. For a couple of days after we fixed the breakables it wasn't. We added some specific code to exclude the breakables from the equipment improvements that (+20% equipment rarity) mentioned above, but it was applying to everything. This was corrected, but no other changes were made to the system, so from my own understanding, and the assurance of the developer who made the change nothing has changed from the way it was before other than the breakables being specifically excluded from that tier improvement. So I'm really not sure how the drop rates could actually have gone down in battles and chests from where they were pre breakable fix. I can see it perceptually feeling that way due to so many less wins from breakables however...

But I will continue to watch this and make sure everything is working.

Hi Deex,

The drop rate on breakables was always quite a bit lower than chests. They only have a 1/5 chance of having something in them and the loot in them is loot we call mini-loot which has smaller versions of everything. Chests always have 3 items in them so 15x more loot than a single breakable. There were just so many more breakables than chests...


65 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 11th 2015 at 12:33 PM
bigfat-and agry ranting-rasta
MY LAST statement to that topic.
I can very well differentiate between breakable drops and actual lootbags/chests, Deex. But i wont comment further on this matter as I can, as previously stated, not put my finger on an actual error in the process but simply compare results of said process.

What i tried to stress also and still want to point out for the last time is, that the overall quality of drops in MPs has decreased and the "yield" of items is significantly lower than (before the NERF and) in SP runs of the same tier (after the nerf). In my understanding Multiplayer instances are intended to be the pinnacle of a game both in difficulty and in loot drop.....
Even looking at it from a detached and simply statistical point of view, a T$ desert mp has a multiple of fights and breakables of most SP. So drops should be higher based on drop locations alone, but seeing the condensed experience of players that is currently not the case.

BFR out!

25 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 12th 2015 at 1:14 AM
I got no idea David how you can get both gold and gear in 1 chest.. I just opened a T5 chest in SP and all i got was lumber.
It feels like the pictures you have sended are right but the game itself with drops are wrong.

Your picture simply show one hell load of cash/gear/gems/luck runes etc.
This is what i got (NOTE that i did NOT pick up anything before taking the picture)

This image is not the only one, i could send you 20 more of these pictures with same drop in both SP and MP. Your picture and my picture are NOT the same.
This is the obvious fact and proof that drops has not been fixed and definately not as they were before. If you want more pics let me know. I can send you loads of them.

25 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 12th 2015 at 1:20 AM

here is another T5 SP. Still not same drop rates as your own chests.

25 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 12th 2015 at 1:29 AM

If you notice something with these pictures, they are ALL the same as the chests from your Normal SP (Tier 0) Pictures. (If not even worse at some point)
But i am actually running T5.

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 12th 2015 at 7:42 AM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Chrismaz,

The number of items in the chests is set when the content creator places it in the zone. I set all mine up top to contain 5 items, as I mentioned above most chests in the game are set to 3. I was demonstrating the relative drop rates of whites, greens, blues, and purples at each tier. So the more items on the screen the higher sample size and the more closely each image would represent the actual drop rate. That is drop rate as in %change to get a type of item, not how many items you get per chest. I really hope there is no confusion on that!

The chest on the very first forest mission there is set to 1 item I think, that mission actually has a bunch of special cases on the loot, as we try to make sure a brand new player gets a few specific things (including lumber) after the first mission. So its not a good place to go looking for loot...

I just loaded up the bandit camp mission and did it on tier 2 (highest I have unlocked on live)

this is what I got:

4 whites, 3 greens, and some lumber. Which is about what I would expect. I know your first thought is going to be thats tier 2 and you were playing t5 so it must be t5 that is broken. I have to preemptively stop you right here, its just a multiplier, one number getting bigger for each tier, the math just doesn't stop working when the number gets a little bit bigger, and if it did my screen shots above wouldn't have so many more blues and purples on t5 than on t2.

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