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Codename Entertainment
Inconsistency and confusion with names/descriptions

232 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 1st 2015 at 2:33 PM
Last Edited April 14th 2015 at 9:10 AM
It really confuses me that there are inconsistent (or confusing) names being used everywhere... I'll try and point out the ones I know off the top of my head here, but if anyone else can add more, please do, so the devs can have a list and might fix it?

Here is my list:


Refine (tab in blacksmith) - Should be Reforge? (or change crystal names/descriptions to refine also).

Upgrade Kit - Level Up Kit.

On the mission/area windows: "Mission Quests" - In the achievements: "Secondary Quests".

In the Paragon: "Player Damage" - On trinkets: "Class Attack".

Skills: "Armorer - Reflect X% of physical damage"? - Attack damage?

Skills: Phase shift gains "mana" - "Arcane Power"?

Skills: "Gain additional Arcane Power" in Fireball - But Phase Shift "gives X"? - change Fireball to "gives X"?

Skills: Level 5 auto attack: "Gain extra 2" - But auto attack doesn't specify that it already 'gives' 1.

Skills: general confusion about "for 1 turn" or is it "for 1 attack"? - maybe turns could be counted on the 'in battle screen' to make it clearer? - because using a skill at the beginning of a turn, opposed to the end of a turn, makes a difference (I believe?).

One common thing newbies get confused about is "Attack Damage" and "Ability Power" - how about changing them to "Physical Attack" and "Magic Attack"?

^^ Damage: In a player profile, the Armour rating already specifies that it reduces "Magic damage" and "Physical damage".

Bounty: You call doing a MP mission alone "solo", but then you also have a "solo" bounty mission, that's not MP. - this confuses things when you are asking people about doing a "solo bounty" - and they don't know if you're talking about doing the MP on your own, or the single-player bounty.


Yes, it's only 2 items I can think of off the top of my head... but I know there are more confusing inconsistent names, I just can't think of them... so can anyone else? :)

EDIT: added a few more.

232 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 14th 2015 at 9:10 AM
added a couple more things... and bumping.

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 14th 2015 at 5:31 PM
Last Edited April 14th 2015 at 5:33 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Andaho,

While admittedly we have a few items we are clearly calling two things, and could definitely clean them up, a couple of things in your list are actually different things.

"Mission Quests" is showing all the quests on a mission.
"Secondary Quests" are specifically the quests you do the second time you do a mission.

"Player Damage" is a percent bonus to your overall damage.
"Class Attack" is the primary stat that your class uses for dealing damage "Attack Damage" for Warriors, "Ability Power" for Wizards, and half of each for Rangers.

"For 1 Turn" means time between your character getting to make a move. Faster speed means faster turns.

"Doing a Solo" is distinct from "Soloing an MP" nobody would say "I am doing a Solo" and mean they were doing an MP by themselves (well not a native English speaker), but the phrase "Solo a Multiplayer" does make sense. It is the difference in it being used as a verb "to solo" and a noun "a solo"... I think this is OK.

You are correct about the other items, we should consistent those up.


232 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 14th 2015 at 7:30 PM
Thanks David...

Yes, you're right about the mission quests... that was one of the first ones off the top of my head without checking, and I remembered it wrong...

It's "Sub Quest" in achievements and "Side Quest" when in mission (top left info box when in the mission). - I've been asked on more than one occasion what a sub-quest is, and people have been confused with sub and secondary quests... where it might clear it up if it said "Side Quest" in the achievements.

But is Player Damage not basically the same thing as a % gain on your Class Attack? Because it sounds like it is from your description of what they both are.

Right, I understand turns and speed now :)

And yes, it's on separate occasions with different people where we've misunderstood each other when I've asked "what tier solo bounty have you done?" (when I'm trying to remember if I should do a T2 or T3)... I think I will reword that question when I ask it next, to: "what tier SP bounty have you completed?".. but yeah, you're right... I guess it's just a language thing.

It's waaaay past my bedtime already... but sometime soon I'll re-edit the list for when you start to work through and fix them (and I'm sure there are more I can add to the list, that I've just got used to) - but no rush... I'd like to see the Jungle Shard first :D
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