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Friday March 20th Changes

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 21st 2015 at 11:01 AM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
If you are treating the percentages as 100 (instead of 0 to 1 as decimal) then the armor rating should be / 200 not 2000.

The speed bonus is calculated based on a base expected speed per level, so in our data we have an expected value for each level. We divide your speed by the expected speed to get your speed bonus, basically it indicates how much more damage you do because of being faster than 100% expected speed (or less if you are lower than the expected value)

So SpeedBonus = Your Speed / Expected speed for you to have at your level.


47 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 22nd 2015 at 12:38 AM
I hoped that they would compare equipment without the enchanted level taken into the math because we could always enchant the new equipment to the same level as the other. When comparing only the base stats without enchanted level, it would show the real difference between equipment and we didn't have to do the math our self.

17 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 22nd 2015 at 2:14 AM
Last Edited March 22nd 2015 at 2:43 AM
So, I've debated making an account here for awhile, but nothing I had to say was important enough to really bother. Feedback, however, is something I'm big on, so I finally made an account to comment on the balance changes that this update brought. I'll note that my post will be critical for the most part, but it's meant to help balance changes, not just bash. So, my apologies if I come off as harsh.

First off, thanks for the update in general, but especially thanks for giving us the heads up back in the other thread, as well as a summary. The heads up, along with the large amount of staff responses is greatly appreciated.

Overall, this update is mostly a mechanics change for me. For your notes, this feedback comes from a wizard wearing Delver gear save the hat, a Succubus speed ring, and an uncommon speed ring. I run the "standard" 10 healthy, 10 int, 9 fireball, 1 flame laser build, run as many brotherhood tasks a day as I can (usually limited by not getting donates/MP tasks after my stamina is gone), and use most of my MPs each day. Just so you get an idea, but my character in game is Gaidin as well if you want to look at my data to see why I'm fussing about what.

First off, the positive. I like the drop rates of uncommons going up. That will help immensely with reforging, which is much appreciated. I haven't noticed much with the rares, but the uncommons help regardless. The item comparisons are great too, in that they are more detailed. While I didn't use them much before because I have specific stats I care about even to the point where I get a "detriment" in some others, it's still nice to see more info. Finally, the companions getting normal equipment is awesome. Thank you so, so much there.

Now, while I like those things added, my negatives come with the way these new things were balanced.

Level effectiveness is an interesting concept, and potentially useful. Tsukasa mentioned here ( ) their concerns about the very issue that I'm seeing might arise based on my play since the update. That is, as a player put it in chat, how much we get the "nerf bat" for being lower level than our opponents. I've seen Mr. Whittaker speak of the delta difference and how it affects the player when they are higher level, but I've not yet seen anything address when the player is the one who is lower. If the numbers swing the same both ways for the player (and from what I see, they do to an extent), this is pretty bad. With a mere 4 level difference in heroics, I lost something like 45% of my damage against standard enemies. Sure, going from ~9.4k to ~4k doesn't really matter when you are 1 hitting your opponents, but it feels bad to the player. More importantly, the enemies hit my companions and I harder. This isn't a huge deal now, because the only thing that I've had issues with due to this is Huglurg (I'll get to him later). The real problem is when the Jungle comes out and we start to make our way through it, eventually hitting enemies that are higher level than we are. This will only be compounded by equipment level effectiveness as well, which I'll also get into later.

To elaborate, level effectiveness seems largely useless to me as a player. My personal issue with magical barriers that ignore my stats as a player for some artificial difficulty adding aside, this mostly just stifles players as opposed to improving gameplay. It could have it's place, running on the assumption that you want to keep the same stat scaling but would rather not have the power creep make us able to decimate level 55 enemies at level 30, but as it stands, I feel that the power both gained and lost by the delta difference is too much. Between the numbers already presented and my own obeservations, anything over a two level delta starts to hamper the player beyond reasonable measures.

In the Hall of Trials, Eliza is now level 29. After that, everything is at or above your level. The levels after her were already hell, but now the player is getting damage penalties and taking more damage just for being unable to gain more levels. After level 28 when you get to Spiders, you're pretty much screwed because at 29, you're looking at a minimum delta of 4. With a delta of ~7 against Huglurg, I was doing ~22% of my typical damage, still taking almost the same amount of damage as before (even though his level dropped by 8), while getting hit by criticals literally about 3x as often. I got hit with 3 crits in a row about 20 minutes ago fighting him.

I realize that the level cap increase will make my specific examples above moot, because at the new cap we'll have a delta of 8 in our favor even against Huglurg, but that's not the point. The point is that in trying to progress, if we have to face enemies above our level, we're taking too heavy of penalties to be realistically fair currently. I know that we "benefit" from this by getting these increases against lower level enemies, but at this point in the game, we don't need that kind of boost. If we're level 30, we are already squishing everything at 30 and below, and have been for some time. All this really does is give us more crits for kicks and giggles, and higher campaign scores.

Likewise, feeding equipment level into Effectiveness to drag down our base Effectiveness further hampers us, and our companions. The fact that the game thinks that pants 3 levels higher, but having some 50 less endurance on them is better just because of the Effectiveness rating makes me question the entire system. If I remember correctly, 1 Endurance is equal to 20 HP. So the game currently means to tell me that having gear 3 levels higher is better than having 1k more HP. Doesn't seem right.

Finally, to finish off my crying, related to the Effectiveness, how is it planned to balance/ugrade Epic gear? Currently, Effectiveness seems to be an average of your level and Equipment Average Level. If we get to 40, but our epics are 30, we're looking at an Effectiveness of 35. But, if we're facing level 39 enemies in the Jungle at that point, we're hit with a delta of 4. Currently, that would be cutting our damage by almost half and increasing the damage we take. I realize that we as players don't know how the Epic upgrading system will work, but unless it allows us to affordably upgrade the level of our equipment as quickly as we level up, we're going to be stuck in a "nerf cycle" that currently hits us pretty hard.

To sum it up in just a few sentences: Currently the Effectiveness stat and delta pentalties/bonuses are too heavy-handed. The player gets the short end of the stick for reasons elaborated above, and gains no worthwhile benefit from the system. I'd personally like to see this system have a much smaller effect, and ideally not have Equipment Level Average even be a factor. Stats should always matter more than what level you are, in my opinion. Otherwise, there's little point to getting "good gear" until you're at the level cap.

As a side note, I'm jealous of the awesome stacking up to 999 on your test server in the pictures.

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 22nd 2015 at 12:09 PM
Last Edited March 22nd 2015 at 12:24 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Gaidin,

Thanks for taking the time to reach out on this. I can see you put some thought into this and have noticed a few drawbacks we intend to address.

One of the biggest challenges we have come up against is balancing difficulty. As game designers we have been working on wrapping our heads around what makes a good RPG fun (from a game mechanics standpoint - as opposed to a narrative standpoint). I believe that at its core a fun RPG provides a reasonable challenge that players can overcome by improving their character in all the dimensions provided by the game (equipment, upgrades, buffs, gems, level up, companion level ups, etc.) Then facing that challenge, overcoming it, and being presented with a new challenge to rise to.

I think a lot of the fun elements stem from the idea of having a challenge to rise to. Getting loot for example - when you get loot from battle, chests, or mission rewards its fun to get if it has value. It has value if it improves your character and helps you rise to the next challenge. If you don't have a next challenge, or everything is just easy then it doesn't have the same value, and isn't as much fun.

We want to be able to provide challenging content to all players regardless of how long they have been playing the game. One of the problems with adding a new content zone such as the upcoming jungle is balancing it for players who start the game after its release and arrive at the jungle with rare and uncommon equipment, and balancing it for players who played some time at the cap and have a full set of Epic gear. Obviously it has to be completable by new players. We can't force them to grind for 3 weeks after they arrive at the Jungle just to beat the first mission. However if the content is balanced for new arrivals then players with a set of Epics will have no challenge at all. Arguably they earned that power and deserve to be more powerful going into those areas but if there is no challenge at all it would be a fairly short and boring update where nothing was difficult and none of the loot had any value.

This is where level effectiveness comes in. It lets us balance the content around the player being a certain level to complete it while still giving some lead way for players with really awesome gear. Additionally it lets the loot dropped in these areas have value... a big part of that will be in a system coming in the next update - which I will post about soon - which will provide a mechanism to upgrade the effectiveness level of your gear. You may have noticed that Level and Required Level are different stats on the equipment display... this is very purposeful. It is so you will be able to increase the level of items beyond where they start, and so we can put in items that have higher effectiveness levels than your level.

If you currently have Epic gear I know you worked hard to get it, so we have a couple of ways we are working on to level up that gear instead of replacing it.

Effectiveness level does make the current heroics harder, and that is currently filed under working as intended... That will be short lived because Heroics are also getting an overhaul. I will speak more to that in my next updates post.

I'm not sure that I spoke to all your points, but hopefully this gives you an idea of where we are headed with this new balance mechanism.


Edited for grammar... really need to read over before I post :s

One additional note - There really aren't a lot of challenging missions to do when you get to the end game right now. That is something we very much intend to address.

17 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 22nd 2015 at 12:54 PM
Thanks much for the reply. I know that balance is always a pain, especially when you have such a power differential amongst "max level" players like this. I figured that the system was indeed intended to address those of us who have floated at 30 and walk around in Epics auto-attacking everything to death outside of the Hall of Trials. The main thing I find right now is that the penalties from a delta difference seem too severe for those who aren't at that point.

I'm definitely on board with having a system that gives challenge, and know that the best way to balance something long term is to start out "too hard" and tweak it down to more reasonable levels (e.g. Valentines Heroic). I figured that would be the intent here, which is why I put together the novel above. I enjoy mechanics and balance in these kinds of games, and I know that developers need our help if they want to find the best balance. The number of times that I've seen a dev go "well this is totally possible and even statistically reasonable based on the game code" while the players have been unable to achieve whatever it was for over a month because of variables only presented in actual game play are more than I can count on my fingers. At the same time, we don't know what you guys have all in store for us, and need to remember that you are likely doing X or Y with Z in mind.

I think that this system has potential, I just personally wanted to state where I feel it currently sits, and hopefully spark comments from other players. One player fussing about how they are stifled too much doesn't really matter as a whole if no one else really feels that way, after all. Personally I think a combination of enemy level tweaking along with delta weight could create some really nice scaling. I just also think that this will take time and communication. You guys will need our voices, or at least our playing data, and we'll need to be patient while you gather data to analyze, be it game data or feedback.

Anyway, thanks again for the reply, and I look forward to seeing where this goes. While I do feel the current delta values are a bit steep, I'm sure you're looking for a sweet spot.

As a slight aside with the current heroics being considered working as intended, they largely seem fine to me. I just worry about those fresh hitting 30 and doing missions like "The Destroyed Camp" and "Journey to the River" where there are multiple waves of spiders. Those ones were crazy hard when I first unlocked Heroics, and there was no delta penalty back then. Then again, I'm a squishy Wizard, and we still lack pew pew to an extent, so take that as you will xD.

232 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 22nd 2015 at 1:26 PM
It's a bit weird how if you strip off, and then equip a level 25 item... your BR is lower than when you were 'naked'.

221 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 22nd 2015 at 4:49 PM
My personal perspective on all of the balancing stuff is that if the game had more content that was playable for a longer period of time, then players wouldn't all get stacked up at the content max, working on post-content stuff, and then walk into the new content when it is released more than ready to beat the new content. Technically, most of us alpha players would be at level 45 or 50, had that been available to us when we hit end of content. I think game balancing has to look at both maximum level available in the content as well as difficulty in the content. Artificially setting a boundary seems to create as many balancing problems as it is theoretically designed to address.

I think very serious consideration needs to be given to the amount of content you anticipate for the next several releases and long-term future of the game, and not just the next jungle release. I am quite sure you realize -- based on game experience to date -- that all of us alpha folks are going to be racing through jungle -- because that happens in every CNE game I have ever played. And then we sit in the BH, or battle trolls in HOT, (or spend time in the Flux), for the next few months, building capability to dash through the next content release.

In short, we need more, and better answers than "well, we're going to take a look at it and figure it out." Go talk to other game developers if you have to and find out how they manage to get sufficient content into play in reasonable intervals! And how they balance their game play! IF you realized you bit off more than you could chew in releasing this game when you did, admit it and ask for help! There are good people who want to see you succeed, but non-answers get old really fast. And, I'm sorry, but waiting four to six months between content updates isn't adequate, even with wonderful people to chat with.

In the meanwhile, having the game rules change every couple months to compensate for the level stacking that happens because of a lack of content isn't pretty either. I've quit games for less than that. And, this game is not titled "Fluxx" where you expect the rules to change at every turn. Eventually you may drive off all your alpha players and only have people who started in the last month left playing. I have about been ready to post a "Gone Missing" thread in forum because so many *good* players have got fed up and left, just to keep in touch with them. I *miss* them. I hate the fact they got fed up with the game and left.
Is that what you really want?

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 22nd 2015 at 8:13 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Elharith,

We actually expect players to get stacked up at "the content max" as you put it, what we call the "end game content". If you look at other rpg games that have long term appeal - everything from World of Warcraft & Diablo 3 to Wartune - they all have repeating end game systems that everyone ends up in after completing the campaign content. Long term players end up spending the majority of their play time in that repeating content, not in the campaign. While the campaign will grow with updates and is important, the end game systems are more so.

I'm not really sure of the accuracy of your other statements.

The game has turned out to be an enormous amount of work, I don't think we have attempted to hide that.

I am curious what I have said that you classify as a non-answer.

While its true we haven't done a level increasing campaign content update yet if you check the patch notes you can see we have done 25 updates in the last 18 weeks. Those updates included 2 holiday events, the Hall of Trials, the Paragon Brotherhood, the bounties, Heroics, Companion gear, Crafting, and countless little fixes and improvements. Much of this is the supporting framework for the Jungle and future updates. So arguably we have added a ton of content to the game, just not a level cap increase and campaign update.

This is the first time we have made a "game rules change" to help us balance. It is not something that we have done every couple of months. Nor is it something we plan to do on a regular basis. With any luck this will be the one and only major change of this type.

We realize without missions to play, without content to do that players will finish up tire of waiting and move on. That is pretty basic. Fleshing out lots of end game features for players to play when they finish the campaign content is the answer to that. It is the answer that WoW used, D3 used, Wartune used, and countless other games of this type. Unfortunately we are still building those features and they are taking us longer than we would like. Partially because they are bigger than we anticipated and partially because we are a small team that has other games we need to continue to support so we can keep the lights on.

I appreciate that it can be frustrating to wait while we flesh out the game features, and that this delays the much needed campaign update that everyone is waiting for. Trust me its frustrating for us as well because we know players are waiting for it and that some are going to give up and play something else. So we are working our butts off to try and get it done. That said I don't feel that your post is an accurate assessment of the situation.


40 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 23rd 2015 at 1:46 AM
Hey David, just curious, is the PvP system going to get a rework or additions in the new endgame content that you are developing? Because I feel that if the PvP became a bit more competitive it would give more reason for the players to keep grinding the endgame content. Especially if there were some nice rewards.

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 23rd 2015 at 10:27 AM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Dansonage,

We do have a number of additional more robust and more interesting pvp systems we plan to implement long term.


273 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 23rd 2015 at 10:47 AM
Hey David,

I don't want to make a bunch of extra work since you guys are busy, but is it possible to maybe draw or link to some type of graph of what battle effectiveness looks like? It's not the most difficult math in the world, but I think maybe having a visualization of it may help people's understanding and minimize some of the complaints. I know it would help me at least. I'm terrible with numerical math, but better when it's a more visualized. Obviously it's not a high priority and maybe one of the players that understands it could do it.

11 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 23rd 2015 at 11:08 AM
Hi David,

If I udderstood you correctly, then you're going to implement some sort of way to upgrade our Epic gear to the new lvl cap. Could you reveal what's it gona take? At what cost?
I've currently gathered 200+ HoT tokens and don't know if I should spend them on gear or keep gathering untill new update as to not get them wasted.

52 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 23rd 2015 at 12:23 PM
Here's a picture of a pony:

Can I have a slotting rod drop now, please?

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 23rd 2015 at 4:41 PM
Last Edited March 23rd 2015 at 4:41 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Tsukasa,

Sure, the graph looks like this:

Hi Furious, not yet, but I will get to it.

Thats a nice lookin pony.

273 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 24th 2015 at 3:28 AM
Ok, I definitely get it now. Trying to picture it in my head I just couldn't put it together right. Is that the actual curve you guys will be using, because if it is, that actually doesn't seem that bad, I think it sounded more dramatic then it actually is, but then again I'm terrible with math and don't really watch the numbers well in battle.

So in the above example, if I was level 20, and an enemy was 25, their attacks would be multipled by 1.3? If they were level 30 it would be multipled by 1.5?

I guess then my followup question, and I'm not sure if I'm going to word this right, is this only affecting the higher level combatant or both. For example.

Example A - Only the Higher Level

I'm level 20, Enemy is level 25. I receive no multiplier, the enemy receives a 1.3 multiplier for being 5 levels higher.


Example B - Both Get it.

I'm level 20, enemy is level 25. I receive a .4 multiplier for being 5 levels lower and the enemy receives a 1.3 multiplier for being 5 levels higher.

17 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 24th 2015 at 4:15 AM
It's both, Tsukasa. Both of the following are snippets from one of Mr. Whittaker's posts to you earlier in this thread:

"At a delta of +10 you do 50% more damage and take 95% less damage, you also crit more often."

"Now lets say you put on a really old piece of gear for your level, something say level 20. And it pulled your average equipment down to 23, making your effectiveness level 26.5. Now in that same battle your delta is +1.5 and you would do about 10% more damage, and take 15% less..."

What those quotes say is that both ends are affected.

That is, if your Effective Level is 20 and the enemy is 25, you will do roughly 40% of your base damage to them, while the enemy will do roughly 130% of their base damage to you. They are also going to land crits on you more often than they would if you were at their level.

You can see this with the Troll pretty well. My fireball damage against level 30 mobs (at a 29.75 Effective Level) is in the low to mid 9k range. My fireball damage against Huglurg, with a -7 delta, is 2.1k. He also crits against me far more than he used to.

That's actually part of why I feel this is heavy-handed as it currently stands. The damage boost for the higher level combatant isn't too terrible, as it just means one dimension of challenge: More damage. That's something we haven't had to worry about outside of the Valentines event. However, combined with the much heavier damage reduction penalties on the lower level combatant, it gets ridiculous. The first 4-5 levels of negative delta have the largest numerical impact. You lose ~18% damage output for being 1 level lower. It's about 30% at two levels, 40-41% at three levels, and ~55% at four levels. From there it's "just" 60% at five levels, and the effect is less per level below going down. Going from doing 10k to 8.2k for a mere 1 level difference, that may not even be actual level, just equipment level difference, is pretty harsh. Can't upgrade your epics fast enough and your Effective Level is two below your opponent? Try doing 7k now instead of 10k. I'll stand by my view that the penalties for being lower level are too harsh currently and will make balancing just as tricky, if not more so, than it was prior, simply because 1 level of difference is such a power leap or cut.

273 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 24th 2015 at 8:26 AM
So, I think I get what you're saying, but like I said I'm terrible with math so I might have this wrong. I guess the question is, outside of HoT, how often are you going to be fighting enemies more then 1 or 2 levels above you? I'll be completely honest, I've never really paid attention to enemy levels since I can beat most enemies just fine as is.

I guess, for the sake of visualizing it, lets take your example of 9000 damage.

Equal - 9000
1 level - 7380
2 levels - 6300
3 levels - 5400
4 levels - 4050
5 levels - 3600

I mean, that on one hand is a fairly big drop. On the other hand, I think the important number we're still missing here is enemy hp values, or rather how many extra attacks is each level adding. If an enemy has 10000 HP, you need 2 attacks to kill it regardless until you hit 4+ levels under, so yeah, each hit is smaller but you're still killing it in the same number of hits.

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 24th 2015 at 8:38 AM
Last Edited March 24th 2015 at 8:39 AM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Gaidin,

Looking at the curve right now it does occur to me that perhaps the reduction side should be more logarithmic.

Part of the purpose here is to make it so that we can confidently place monsters that are significantly higher level than the player and know they will have to level up to defeat them. It also lets us rely less on the stats of the monster to make them harder to beat, which is something that isn't really player facing - you can always see the level of the monster, but you can't see that we have given that specific monster 10x health, and 3x damage :)

I will talk it over with Justin, he took the first pass at setting up this curve. I know he tried to make it one function, but it might make sense for it to actually be 2 curves.


221 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 24th 2015 at 9:14 AM
I think the 2 curve function would be better because then the log curve would be effective in both directions. At present, it is only effective in one, and players are not the beneficiaries.

17 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 24th 2015 at 9:23 AM
Tsukasa - Yeah, basically as you put it is how the damage drops. Currently, most enemies you fight will be between levels 30 and 32 as of this posting. However, there are a spattering of 33-35 enemies throughout various heroics, including Search the Thief Camp (where you get Christof), which is comprised of all level 34 enemies.

You're also definitely right about other stats. My concern though isn't for those of use that have been here awhile. I can handle anything I can find in the game at the moment save Huglurg, and if I used phase/freeze I could do that still. My concern is for those players they were mentioning that are just getting to 30, running on mostly Desert gear and random rarity accessories. These players are the ones who will feel this the most, since their Effective level isn't going to be 30, it's going to be 26 or 27 when they try to do Heroics and such. We can carry them through Bounties, and the beneficial parts of Level Effectiveness will allow them to solo Desert earlier once they get a couple of higher level equips, but they'll definitely feel this delta penalty. My concern is that this could carry over to Jungle, events, and other content that may be intended as part of the standard flow as opposed to being meant for true end-game players.

Mr. Whittaker - Yeah, I understand the idea. You would rather not have us stepping on everything like we do the little background spiders in the Forest MP. Just as noted above, I worry about trying to balance like that for the standard player/new player that hits content in the natural progression where their Effective Level is going to consistently have a gap from their Player Level. The system is clever, but most players aren't going to truly grasp it, largely due to all the math as noted with Tuskasa double checking things. Casual players will just know that all of a sudden they go from doing 4k in the Desert to 1.8k in a Heroic and wonder why they're getting pummeled. Rather, I see this potentially playing out.

Now, this is also somewhat of a preemptive cry, because I don't know how you intend to run levels on Jungle enemies, or future events. I also don't know if Upgrade Tokens will be able to be used on all rarity of gear (e.g. Desert gear to be level, say, 32 while you grind HoT over time), or if it will be cost effective to do so. I just wanted to make sure that the concern is considered, as I've been that guy. The last MMO I was playing (Kingsroad, for reference) had a habit of changing things balance wise quite often. It would so happen that each time I would get to the point where I could be self-sustaining again, a new system would be added, or an old one changed that hurt my power as a player, and progression would stop. I'd be weak again, and would have to try to adapt anew. I eventually stopped playing the game because it became largely impossible to experience event/new content in a way that wasn't comprised of being killed over and over again any time I tried to solo. The only way I had to power up was through expensive dungeons made for multi-player with an obscenely low equipment drop rate, so eventually I just stopped bothering. Fortunately, you guys don't seem to be going that way, but I just don't want to see newer players be "that guy" who gets set back so hard that they feel stuck grinding for weeks to get to the next set of 3 story maps.