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Friday March 20th Changes

221 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 24th 2015 at 10:24 AM
^^^what Gaidin said, because I actually have that experience when I play my lower strength alts, all of whom are level 30. Had I continued to play them as frequently as I play Elharith, I could effectively do everything in game. But, since I only play them sporadically, most heroic jungle BH quests I avoid because I die unless I respec every battle specifically for the particular battle set up. Likewise, I avoid bounty solos for the same reason. So, I completely understand how other "just turned 30" players might feel about the recent changes. What was difficult before has now become nigh impossible for my alts.

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 24th 2015 at 11:24 AM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Guys,

So we discussed the level curve, and at this time we are going to think on it. One thing to consider here is while for every level over the max level we place an enemy it does reduce your damage significantly. Right now that definitely feels like a nerf for level 30 players - because effectively it is. When we release the new content however each level you gain will increase your damage significantly. So every time you level up you will get a big boost relative to the enemies you are facing. The new end game balancing at 45 will be balanced around this so I am not sure it will be a problem when we get there.


273 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 24th 2015 at 12:38 PM
So, I don't know if it's really something viable at this point but have you guys considered reducing the number of stats a bit? Like down to just Attack, Defense, HP and maybe Speed. It might be a little easier to balance with fewer stats coming into play.

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 24th 2015 at 1:14 PM
Last Edited March 24th 2015 at 1:14 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Tsukasa,

A reduction in the number of stats would be a pretty big change at this point in time. I am also not sure it would make it easier to balance the game difficulty. Most of the stats your character has boil down into Attack, Defence, HP, and Speed at battle time. The biggest challenge has been around providing meaningful increases in power as you level and get better equipment without players getting so powerful we need to pitch a level 30 player against a 45 monster to make it a challenge. By making level just as important a stat as the other stats I think we should be able to balance much more tightly now while still providing meaningful boosts in power from both equipment and now level up.

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