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Codename Entertainment

2 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 31st 2014 at 10:22 AM
Sean Toven
Hi. Is there any way to verify if someone is an actual user or if it was indeed a troll account as that person was being accused of? There was some serious stuff said in the chat when I was in there this morning and a user threatened to hang themselves and take their own life! I didnt get to see conversation from before I walked in, but just prior to my disconnecting he had talked about his parents in response to another players statement asking him where his parents where, and said something about his mom being in hospital and his dad being murdered and raped! I know there is a mute option, but I take these kind of things VERY SERIOUSLY and need to know if there is ANY way for a Dev to get any kind of information on this user and have someone do a welfare check on him PLEASE!


Sean Toven
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