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Codename Entertainment Forums > Legacy Games > Bush Whacker > General Discussion > this is so so so unfair..
this is so so so unfair..
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 11:13 AM
RaymondIf you become totally dependant on that 'extra' Energy then you are at fault when it's not available anymore. Just like anything else in life that one 'can' get more than one time a day if they like.
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 11:20 AM
RaymondLast Edited December 20th 2011 at 11:20 AM And YES the Auction House didn't exist for perhaps 65% of the life of the game and we all got along quite well without it.
It was invented in May I think and the game was invented August of 2010. |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 12:21 PM
Pam GlyptisRaymond - Who goes by the name of Arrogant Prick...
I was, and am, upset because you continue to berate me for, and accuse me of things that are not true. You are wrong, wrong, and more wrong. You do not know me at all, so keep your foolish opinions of me to your own damn self. You have no clue at all of what you're talking about, and selfishly do not care to have your facts straight before you spout off at the mouth either, even after being told that you were mistaken on something. You obviously have nothing better to do than to selectively, and partially, read these posts, and try to find someone that you can berate, belittle, judge, attack... or purposely upset. Purposely. There was no reason for you to say some of those things to me, none at all, a whole lot of that was totally uncalled for and undeserved! Your comments are irrelevant to the main post too much of the time. Maybe you should try to get one of those real-life thingys. So... Read this one properly and thoroughly, if that's possible for you to do: BITE ME IN THE ASS RAYMOND! |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 12:25 PM
RaymondLast Edited December 20th 2011 at 12:27 PM In most cases I'm replying to Harsh Varma, and in most cases I'm directly quoting what he has said.
Sometimes I'm replying to you, and sometimes I explicitly say your name, and sometimes I quote you. But I'm never saying anything untrue about either of you. I'm never calling you names. I'm sometimes making assumptions about how you play, but so is everyone else answering this post. We only have our own styles to go by unless you tell us exactly how you play. So we project our experiences on your inability to cope with how the game, and real life, operate. You just don't like it. Boo Hoo. |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 12:47 PM
Pam GlyptisAnd, you're just a big-ass cry-baby who doesn't like it, so spouts off at the mouth so badly that it's foaming with crap now. Man, you have some personality problems big-time. You're also a big-ass Liar - If you're going to call people Liars, take a good look in the mirror.
Eric Clapton said it a long time ago... Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself. Now, I refuse to stoop to your lowly level of intelligence, and offensive behavior and words any longer, as I have already done so too much for my liking. I'm telling you this one time now, and one time only. Do not address me again in any way, shape or form. Do not use my name to talk about me. Do not even say my name. Do not speak to me. Do not ever comment to me, or on one of my posts, again. |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 12:48 PM
Harsh VarmaOhh auction house wasn't there for u guys till 65% of the life ... now i see from where u got tons of money.. u guys didn't hv anything to purchase with gold except one time mana upgrades and all.. and thats the reason why ppl r paying 500-600k plus gold for Bread now...
@ Raymond.. u reply.. dont reply... none of us gives a crap... so take ur carp out of here ... coz we ain't buying this crap of urs... bhag bend!! |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 1:55 PM
Diana DrummondIf you recently (since the Christmas event started) got to 110, the Auctions are insanely expensive during the event.
It will die down again. I frequent the Auction House almost daily and usually come away with a bread for under 70,000 and sometimes as low as 33,000 (the minimum). |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 3:55 PM
RaymondWhenever there is 'new' content there are outrageous bids in the Auction House for a while. This includes the short term Holiday Events and real content like the Crypts.
In real life whenever there is a pay day then there are outrageous bids at real auctions, it's good that everyones payday isn't the same day. Life imitates art. Learn to live with it. Or prepare for known holidays or guessed releases by fishing every day with that Quest to get Fishing Tokens. Do at least the 2 simpler ones of the Island Quests to get Feathers. Do as many of the 5 quests for the Crypts that you can stand to get those tokens. Always start your own Giant and Chest to get BB's when you complete them. Always send off a Statue Fragment to friends when you get one to get BB's. Or don't, your choice. There is still 10 days for this event, and there is forever for the current content. And the last content update was the Crypts one month ago so the next could possibly be a month from now. As that time gets closer there will be hints by the Developers right here in the forums. |
162 Posts |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 6:18 PM
Bob WoodsPam, flat out, I never said jack squat about how you play, I was replying to Harsh. If I was talking to you, it would have been started with your name. Next time, ask before you open your mouth and insert your foot. Anyone who posts about how something is unfair and posts how they play is open to criticism and scrutiny, the same as I was after asking about the carrots. Yet, as I said before, Pam, I wasn't talking to you, but since you want my attention, here it is. First off, watch your language in the discussion board, there is no need for that type of language, even if it fits the bill. Second off, READ the posts clearly, for I NEVER said even Harsh was playing in a non-smart manner, I said others played smarter, there is a difference, which you would have seen if you hadn't come in here fingers blazin to punish the wicked! Third off, it is an AUCTION HOUSE! That means, he/she who has the cash is King! The Devs didn't even have to give you the divisions they did, cause Christie's and Barret-Jackson sure don't! Fourth off, yes, I know what level 16 Spell costs, but since I mainly use my mana to after I find the puzzle pieces to collect the house decorations, I don't NEED to bump it up while I still have 4 level 15 areas open. That is how I have MAXIMIZED my money. Fifth, yes I would still have had to count on my carrots, because the mana spell misses and it doesn't give you an accurate count, which you should know since you obviously read at least a bit of the post! Sixth, Your attacking folks doesn't make your point, it makes me actually WANT to call you names like you have Raymond, but I won't, I WILL tell you to calm down, same as I tell him when he goes overboard! You accuse Raymond of the same crap you are doing to him, yet is that supposed to be ok for you? Is that fair, since fairness seems to be your trigger point for this discussion? Seventh, if you think I was doing anything other than tryin to help from my first reply, then you are reading from the wrong point of view, I wouldn't have tried to put that basic stuff in the reply if I was tryin to dog ya'll. So many people forget the small things in this game and I for one READ the forums just so I can LEARN new tricks to advance my game play.
Pam, you are L-U-C-K-Y to have these Devs who CARE about this game and want you to be happy! If Harsh had not said SQUAT about fairness, that would have changed the tone of this whole thing. If he would have gone to Feature Requests and posted something along the lines of, "Since I hit level 110 and moved into the new Auction House bracket, I have been having trouble affording the inflated prices, I am not sure, but I am guessing others are probably in the same predicament as me. Can you add another level to it? If anyone agrees with me, lend your voice to this request please." But no, it SOUNDS, I repeat it S-O-U-N-D-S, like he is whining. I wanted to know how HE was so broke and if you READ, the thing you ACCUSE Raymond of not doing, I said forgive me, which where I come from is the polite way of saying, "Hey, I don't get your problem and I am about to say why, so don't take it wrong." That takes a whole lot longer to say, doesn't it. Now, as to fairness, Pam, when did you start playing BW? Was it after the Auction House was started? Was it after the Devs made it EASIER for newbies to get through levels 1-50, so they had a chance to compete with everyone who had been playing and advancing slowly through those levels?I was approximately on level 52 when that came into being and I was happy for everyone, I didn't come in and cry because I missed out on an easy advance through the ranks! I went out and told people that I thought would like the game so they would come play! Harsh, for all of Raymond's faults, he still tries to help folks here. Is he the nicest, not by a long shot, but he still tries to help. I will stand up to him and FOR him, because he has EARNED that right! You have the right to ASK him to quit replying to posts you make or to your replies to others. For both Pam & Harsh, I am willing to bet that for all of your crap on here, the Devs are going to adjust it again, They already have once before, if I cared enough to go through the forum and find where Justin, I believe, talked about it. I am willing to bet that Raymond or Nate actually has it bookmarked and would provide the link, if ya'll hadn't acted like your heads where hidden in the sand. Honestly, if you hadn't sounded so whiny, I would have just said that from the get go, buut if you REALLY want unfair, go play Farmville or other games by that craptastic company Zynga! |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 8:19 PM
RaymondBob thanks.
I have to say that I HOPE the Developers DO NOT cave into the raving whining of a very small minority of their players. I think the Developers are smarter than that. And I think that the Developers should place value more in people who actually contribute to the game. The fact that they changed the Auction House levels was NOT due to prior such actions of similarly minded people, which happens EVERY time that there is new content. They changed it simply because the largest group was getting disproportionately larger. It ranged from Level 80 all the way to Level 130. So if that's anything to go by, then they might wait until we get a Level 160 because the current range is only 25 from 110 to 135 compared to a range of 20 everywhere else. And it's not yet anything like the 50 spread that it had previously reached. |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 8:36 PM
Will DeebleI rarely comment and usually troll, but this post pushed me to comment...
The reality of it is.... 1. High level players who have been playing for awhile have a ton of gold in part because the AH wasn't around since game inception. 2. AH levels will adjust when the devs feel appropriate. They need to try to keep the game balanced as much as possible along with trying to make a buck at the same time. The AH was a means to dump some gold out of the game without unbalancing it completely. Note: I have never seen bread go for 350+ and I play several times a day.. 3. People always play differently, some choose to burn gold/energy items (fish tokens/feathers) all the time and others are more thrifty. If you are a burner and want to complete quickly or need extra, simple solution...SUPPORT THE GAME, buy BB. Instead of debates how about some tips for people havings issues. 1. Bread prices go nuts during new content/events, so I try to buy one before and have it in "collect" status, after event I buy another if i used it. Rarely do I buy bread during event.content because prices are too high, I'd rather save gold and go a bit slower. 2. Maximize your energy by using BOTH energy spells, THEN use energy packs, bread, feather or tokens. It DOES scale so you get extra energy. 3. Use the gold spell, esp. when you have alot of power, changes are your going to get gold which doubled = easy 40-50k Using the tips above I never have a problem completing events, but might be a tad slower getting to max level but still usually hit it in top 100ppl...Currently I have 17mil, 380 feathers (19@50% energy), and 75 tokens (15@50% energy). Usually I do the daily feather and fishing quests before I proceed to the content/event stuff. I probably have more of stockpile due to the last event being daily quest to proceed. As much as I might not like HOW it was done, I do understand WHY it was done. |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 8:37 PM
Nate DauerLast Edited December 20th 2011 at 8:39 PM Yay! I'm mentioned again! :3
I don't bookmark much of anything, I just have a good memory for certain crap. Raymond bookmarks pretty much everything though, I think. :P Oh, one last thing to add about the hour glass: After the new player reaches a certain level, the hour glass will stop giving x2 experience and instead give 1.5x experience, so that does slow down the sudden rush of everyone to level 60 (or was it 50?). EDIT: Will, I think the word you are looking for is "lurk", not "troll". A lurker is someone who watches a forum/chat without saying anything. A troll is someone who posts something "baited" with the intention of offending others and getting them to react for fun. |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 9:53 PM
Will Deeble@nate your right, but i think/hope my point got across ;)
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 10:06 PM
RaymondFrom level 0 to 50 a Bush of Value 10 gives 40 XP, it's 4x, and a Score of 11.
From level 50 to max-1 a Bush of Value 10 gives 20XP, that's 2x, and a Ranking Score of 11. At Max Level a Bush of Value 10 gives zero XP (nothing gives you any XP at Max), and a Score of one unless you get a Gem and then its 1 plus the Gem value... When I'm not at Max, my position in the Rankings might go up several positions and gain easily 100K daily, when at max my ranking goes down several positions due to not max people with similar score, and I'm hard pressed to get 1k of score daily. The hourglass rapidly advanced peoples experience level with the detrimental lack of gold and gems because in effect they had to only whack half the number of bushes that we had to. THAT was the Developers trying to appease the whiners and 'balance' the game. Good job, you can't please the whiners. They complain about one thing and then they complain about something else due to how the one thing was fixed... Yes, Developers 'fix' something else and at the same time 'break' something and all the whiners won't even thank you for what you tried to do. |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 10:27 PM
Bob WoodsRaymond, you are welcome. Honestly, the fact that I see you trying to help people gives me a lot of respect for you, though I will admit that at times the way you come across leaves me shaking my head, lol. I am truly impressed with the way you catalog every aspect of the game and the way you are always willing to share that info. I do understand why you get so frustrated with people or maybe I should say how you can get so frustrated, lol. I know that I for one think of you first when I have a question concerning the game and you are usually right for game related stuffage.
I had to Nate, I saw you sitting all lonely over there wantin to be included in our fun, lol! Besides, you do have a remarkable ability to find or remember stuff from here and the game, so bookmarkin was just the easiest way to convey it. I was tempted to put that ya'll have it bookmarked and are printing it in the New King James Edition of the Bushwhacker Bible, but I was afraid that only I would laugh at that, lol! Which doesn't explain why I am putting it here! Hi Will! Pam and Harsh are correct in that it has been getting pretty high lately, I have seen it hit 1,100,000, but I had logged on during what I am guessing is peak time, 7-10 pm Central time and that was during the start of either the Thanksgiving event or the new Haven Crypts. You threw out some good pointers and I think they will be much better received than mine where, lol! People tend to forget, me included, that in type, we lose so much of the faucets of communication that we rely onto fully interpret each others thoughts and motives. The tone of voice, the body language and the facial expressions that are so very important to understand the fullness of what another human is saying. I think that is what causes a lot of the problems we see around here. That is why I try to step back and catch my foot before I taste my shoe leather. (I think I made a point about this in another recent reply to someone.) |
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- Posted December 20th 2011 at 11:18 PM
Nate DauerLast Edited December 20th 2011 at 11:19 PM It's late, so I'll have to actually read all of this stuff later, but for now, I want to quickly address the hour glass issue again:
By 1.5 I meant x3 and by 2 I meant x4, but you guys probably figured that was what I meant. Raymond: Just now, my "cousin" coughaltaccountcough is level 37. I just had them whack a level 7 bush. They got 21 experience for it. I took a screen shot of the play history: http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i220/Xanofar/Bush%20Whacker/2011-12-21xpratioproofatlevel37.png I have no idea when this was changed, but I can only tell you that it has been like this for at least three months now. My "cousin" doesn't play very often, so "he" has only gone up a handful of levels in that time period. |
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- Posted December 21st 2011 at 6:54 AM
Rebecca BeattieLast Edited December 21st 2011 at 7:09 AM I am late to this thread and I have to admit that I haven't read every post...
Here is my experience: I cant remember buying bread since I hit 110... (might have but dont remember so it is rare) I am at 125 now. I now have 1.5 mil in gold. The winning bid in the auction house has been rising at a faster rate than my savings in this time (I keep an internal sense of an auction "budget". I probably could have won a time or three but then I would have very little gold) I use the spell for gold 2 to 3 times a day religiously I used to buy all the extra energy with gems but don't now (maybe since level 121 or 122?) I am thinking that the winning bid price may decrease in January And I am all for the Devs adding an Auction House. I hope they do. Since I have been at 100% my interest in the Auction House is less. This is a side effect of the "pacing" in the Quest Strings like Halloween and Christmas. |
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- Posted December 22nd 2011 at 4:40 AM
Connie Finley SarrisLast Edited December 22nd 2011 at 4:42 AM Level 135
17,131,388 in gold Never bought one single loaf of bread in the auction house (that's how my gold accumulates) Does the fishing quest almost daily - hate to fish so may skip a day here and there - never trade tokens in for energy Does the coconut, missing villagers, making another batch quest almost daily (except when something new opens, then once I'm done I go back to it) - never trade my feathers in for energy Does the frog, potion, flower quest almost daily and occasionally the crow and crab quest - never trade those tokens in for energy Buy energy baskets daily except that biggest one - don't want to give a ruby up for energy I don't really want I have been known to let my energy sit full and not do a thing with it all day Dependency on the auction house depletes your gold - you can play just fine without extra energy - I'm proof. And there's always going to be somebody who can outbid you no matter what the level cut-offs are. So learn to do without and you'll be much happier - heck, your gold might even start to accumulate and YOU can be that person with the most gold |
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- Posted December 22nd 2011 at 7:26 AM
Diana DrummondRebecca, as Raymond and I both said, the auctions go nutty when there is an event or new content. Since we had the crypts then Thanksgiving and then Christmas, there were only two or three days where bread could be purchased affordably (and by this I mean under 100,000).
Honestly, if you have 1.5 million, once the Christmas event is over you can use your 1.5 mil to buy 15 loaves of bread. If you want to buy one now, you will probably only get three. Seriously,what else are you doing with that gold? I honestly bought bread to get myself from about level 125 to 130 (using the gold spell and buying four or five loaves a day). This was just a few weeks ago. |
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- Posted December 22nd 2011 at 8:59 AM
Rebecca BeattieLast Edited December 22nd 2011 at 9:01 AM Diana: I agree the auction house goes nutty when there is an event. The Devs have done a good job of building interest through the holidays.
I am not hurting because of not using the auction house and I probably wouldn't change my historical game play if went back and started again. I still stand by my suggestion to the devs that they add an auction house. The reason is this: My interest in the game is decreasing a bit. If my gold stores were a bit higher and the auction house prices were level (in other words the percent of my gold used stayed the same) I might get interested in using the auction house again. I might also need events with release stages that were less time controlled. What is causing my decreasing interest is that I am getting used to not using more energy. So I am playing less and playing other games more. and leaving more content unfinished each day. And some of this is a natural result of being at 100% (And this is not exactly a complaint since I like so many of the changes that have happened lately.. really more of a report.) I think it is in the interest of the game to have enough auction houses to that the people able to go to the auction have similar total time/stats playing the game. I am level 125 started playing about 290 days ago. I may be low on gold relative to people with similar stats. That's on me. But planning to catch up with people with twice the time is not likely unless they stop playing. ********* One of my BW friends is level 135 with 519 days played and 10 mil gold (score 17 mil +) another friend that is level 110 with 213 days played and 1/2 mil gold (score 4.6 mil) for comparison me at level 125 with 290 days played and 1.6 mil gold (score 6.6 mil) and we are all in the same auction house. Its asking middleweight to compete with Heavyweight. lol ********* I recognize that my stats are bring me up to the point where a new Auction house probably will not help me... but I do believe the game would be better off with another house. I am betting that it is already on the Devs to do list. |