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this is so so so unfair..

123 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 18th 2011 at 3:46 PM
Harsh Varma
for all players who's 110+ ... the auction bread is going 300k plus all the time... and specially guys like me who's just turned 110 ... we can't spend that much gold... we don't own that much gold.. i say plz make 1 more lvl in auction room ... its really unfair.. i didn't manage to buy a single auction bread since i hv been 110:(

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 18th 2011 at 6:18 PM
Nate Dauer
I've never bought bread. Frankly, I don't think it's worth it.

126 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 18th 2011 at 7:59 PM
Pam Glyptis
I agree with Harsh totally. We definitely need one more Level in The House. Those of us that are on Levels 110 through 125 should have one room to bid in, with the Players that are Level 125 and above having another (or something close to that). This is causing a huge imbalance for the Players in the 110 to 125 Level range, and our games are really suffering needlessly, and yes unfairly, due to it.

Do I begrudge a maxed-out or High-Level Player with 7, 10 or 14 million gold coins going in and taking the bid anywhere from an immediate doubling of it, up to 800,000 or a million gold coins, or more, for each loaf if they want to? No, not at all, they've earned that gold, and have the right to spend it in any way that they choose, I have no problem with that. But, these higher level Players bidding these huge amounts never lets up anymore, these are the amounts that the bread is repeatedly going for, it's pretty much a constant now. On just my game alone, I have 18 Buddies that are maxed-out at Level 135, 16 Buddies that are on Level 134, and 19 Buddies who are on Levels 125 to 130. If a maxed-out, or high-level Player wants a loaf of bread, and they have an unlimited mound of gold, as well as having purchased all of the items that are for sale in the game, they can bid 1 million gold or however much they choose right then, for a loaf of bread and gain that energy, without giving it a second thought, and can do this over and over again. I'm on Level 118 and have only a little more than 700,000 gold coins total, and have not purchased everything available for sale in the game yet either. This gives me zero chance to purchase any energy with just my gold coins in The Auction House. This creates no option at all for me to buy energy with just my gold coins in any place, or way, in the whole game. Again, this puts me and my game at a huge disadvantage - An unfair one, as this disadvantage comes from The Auction House being so imbalanced now at this Upper/Highest Level.

This is hampering the progress that so many other Players could, and should be able to make in our games, for those of us players in that certain level range, in a very big way here, preventing us from having that same opportunity to purchase energy with our gold coins alone. This range level of Players does not have the same chance for advancement as those that are of a higher level, due to an imbalance in the game itself now, not in the way that we play the game in any capacity.

185 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 18th 2011 at 9:31 PM
Monica Dykeman
Blame it on all those players who thought it was 'unfair' that people who had played longer were farther ahead in the game, leading to the magical hourglass being introduced. Without the slow progress earlier on, you can't amass the gold and gems you need. Add that to the auction house being available with bread being bought for a pittance, and you have this situation. Sorry, but that's how it goes.

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 18th 2011 at 10:25 PM
Bob Woods
Ok, forgive me, but seriously, I am on level 116 and I have almost 2 million gold and it is rare I drop below a million, so I want to know what ya'll are doing that you aren't able to be sitting on that lump of cash? I max out my power & I pull down around 11,000 gold and that is if you don't use your Golden Touch spell, which will quadruple that. Not to mention, if you need extra energy for something, once again go to your spell book and stack your Minor Energy Boost and Your Major Energy Boost before you start playing. It lasts for 1 hour & for me, that means roughly 700 extra energy for my full energy pack, followed by my small energy packs and then finally my statue & fruit that I buy from the Vendor next to Sasha. Also, if you add on the spell Puzzlers Favor, you can pretty quickly finish each level of the Christmas event. That is better than buying the Auction Bread and quite frankly, other than a few times, I refuse to pay over 50,000 coins for it.

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 18th 2011 at 10:30 PM
Bob Woods
Sorry if I sound a little angry, that isn't my intention, I am just in one of those moods and everything I say and apparently write comes off sounding like I want to drown kittens. My wife & son have been chastising me about it all day, so please forgive me if the tone sounds upset or angry, I am merely trying to help.

123 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 19th 2011 at 6:11 PM
Harsh Varma
thanx Pam for backing me up.!!!
@ Bob.. being lvl 116 and having 2m+ gold its gr8 man.. but i m lvl 112 and i hv 550k gold.. i use golden tough spell when ever i max out my herbs.. just bcoz i can found them while whacking bushes.. but any how i never ever have touched 600k+ gold..

i use to buy auction bread at least 10-15 times a day eventually until i use all my gold.. but i have never saw other bidders bidding 3 or 4 times of initial cost.. but if a players do big for like 500k-600k or sometimes even 800k for a auction bread which started at 32k .. its insane man... neither we have that much gold earning possibility at lvl 110 nor the cost of mana upgrades and all r cheap... the gold we hv is not stacking up!! we have to buy other things which is not cheap at all..

Its unfair NOT bcoz others got more gold them but it is unfair because its making game imbalance (as pam said.. n i do agree 1000% with it)..

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 19th 2011 at 7:11 PM
I have to add my 2 cents here.
You say "i didn't manage to buy a single auction bread since i hv been 110:("
And you say "but i m lvl 112 and i hv 550k gold."
But most importantly you say "i use to buy auction bread at least 10-15 times a day eventually until i use all my gold"

So you said it, you did it to yourself by buying Bread every chance you could when you could. And by using up all your Gold.

How dare you complain that people who know how to restrain themselves are somehow 'unfair'.

I have 16.4 Million Gold and I have to say that I have bought everything possible in the game, and I have even bought Bread about 4 times, but only 4 times and only when I really needed it and it was reasonable and I had no BB's to use to get Energy.

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 19th 2011 at 10:47 PM
Bob Woods
Sorry Harsh, but if you where buying 10-15 times a day, that means that 10-15 times a day you outbid someone 10-15 times a day & they didn't come on here and write about how unfair it was that you where willing to spend that money. You killed your cash flow all on your own. I am careful with my money on here, yet even when I go crazy, I rebuild my reserve back to 1 million pretty quickly & I haven't even resorted to using the Golden Touch spell or the swords that increase your chance for gold. I play the same game you do and so do these folks you are upset with for saving up their money. They worked hard to get there & they have a right to go crazy during the holiday quests. It isn't unfair, you really need to just work the game to bring your money back up. When I buy Auction Bread, I usually put a limit on what I am willing to spend and I usually try to limit it to once a day. You don't have to buy all the swords and such that come available, pick one, buy it, re-earn that money and buy the next.

As for a game in-balance, there isn't one. These folk who EARNED the max level, a lot of them sit out and WAIT for new content, never touching BW while they wait or if they do, they only use the existing energy they have. Those folks that haven't hit the max yet, they just played smarter and held onto their money better. I am 4 levels ahead of you, I have every spell for my spell book except the Gambler's Conversion, I have area on my map open, but my highest Lightning spell right now is level 15. So, please explain where the gold earning differs, because I have yet to see it, since I have whacked and so have these folks, the same bushes you have.

185 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2011 at 12:53 AM
Monica Dykeman
Sitting out won't build your reserves, playing your energy at least once a day, fishing and doing the island quest, finding Lucas, freezing the wizard or doing any of a host of other quests while whacking bushes will. That's how Raymond, Melody, myself and a lot of other people have double digit millions of gold. I have, sometimes, spent way too much on auction bread, but that was for a specific purpose when I knew I wasn't going to have much time for a few days. Other than that, I won't waste the gold because who knows when you may need it.Complaining about the game not being 'balanced' is what started this mess so instead of doing that, I suggest you play 'smart', NOT 'fast',

123 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2011 at 1:43 AM
Last Edited December 20th 2011 at 1:44 AM
Harsh Varma
@Raymond... what do u mean by how dare u? I DARE to spk whatever i think its unfair.. its not about players keep on playing , stacking up their gold and using energy or whtevr.... don't give me ur shit of how dare u and all ok?
i got those auction bread 10-15 times mostly on 17-18k which was affordable (get golden touch and whack bush with gold and use multiple power and get 30k gold which is almost twice i pay for auction bread. )
i use to wait for bidders to go quite and never hv paid more then 20-30k for auction bread.. thtats how i hv used my gold.. even i have lvl 15 bush whacking mana thinggy. and i have finished every quest and why left for me right now is haven crypts last 2 tiles..

regarding folks who have tons of gold and maxed out the lvl..they hv true dedication i must say.. no complains about that.. let them bid among themselves..let them compete among themselves... 125-135.. where they r considered to be an equal to each other... but its not even hypothetically possible to bid against them and have even single auction bread from auction house..

All want is fair auction levels.. if a guy like u is competing me for auction bread, then you know that u hv couple of million gold and you can afford to pay more then certain amount of gold for it.. that makes u set a limit for bidding, and gives players like me who just came into lvl 110+ group, a chance to make a bid and win it. but even u know we can't win against guys who got tons of gold (earned gold) they r gonna out bid u even if i make 500k .. its like 2 guys r sitting in auction hall trying to bid for most common item whose standard value is not more then 32k.. but a rich guy among this 2 guy will bid it 500k .. (saying i got too much gold and i don't know what else i can do with it because i have brought every single item from here and there is nothing left for me to buy.. ) of course he is dedicated player and he wanted to whack more bushes to achieve some personal milestone but what about that other guy who got still plenty to buy? who still didn't hv earned tons of gold? Can he even bid? the answer is NO....

126 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2011 at 5:25 AM
Pam Glyptis
NEITHER HARSH NOR I HAVE SAID THAT ANY OF THE PLAYERS ARE PLAYING UNFAIRLY AT ALL - NOT ONCE! Neither of us have blamed any players! Maxed-out & higher-level Players is a pretty broad statement & includes a ton of people - nobody has been singled out in any way on this! I blame the imbalance here on the game itself when it comes to The Auction House - The last two times that they've increased the Level Cap, they've done nothing to adjust the price/bidding amounts for the bread at all, nor to create another Level, to re-balance out the game here in this aspect, adjusting it to use the seemingly standard 15 levels as is used in-between the rest of The Auction House Levels. No, they just left it the same. So now we have 25 Levels of the highest-level Players bidding against each other, in one room, rather than the standard 15 Levels, separated by this huge gap in gold amounts that Players have earned. To me, this means that the maxed-put players have been given even more of an advantage here. I said Advantage! Ten more levels that they have played in addition to the rest of us, all the while vastly increasing their gold amounts, while those of us on the lower levels keep earning the same, our gold doesn't just increase in the same way, AND we still have to purchase items from The Store to advance in the game - Maxed-out Players have already bought all items, therefore having no need to spend any gold at all on items to continue to advance. Figure out the percentages, some of you seem to be so into figuring those out, and then tell me that this is a fair and proper balance. I'm fairly certain that all of you guys could not have had 10 million in gold saved up when you were still on level 118.

@ Monika ~ "Play smart, NOT fast." You have no clue as to how I play my game. I do play smart, and I do not play fast. I'm in no bug hurry to get all maxed-out, and have nothing to do, nor to own every single item available for sale in the game that isn't necessary for play or advancement. You have a year worth of time, and a whole lot of Levels of earning gold from whacking bushes on me - Maybe that's one point to remember here. I should not have to be bidding against you in order to buy energy with my gold. Plain and simple.

@ Raymond ~ You say this to Harsh, "So you said it, you did it to yourself by buying Bread every chance you could when you could. And by using up all your Gold. How dare you complain that people who know how to restrain themselves are somehow 'unfair'. I have 16.4 Million Gold and I have to say that I have bought everything possible in the game, and I have even bought Bread about 4 times, but only 4 times and only when I really needed it and it was reasonable and I had no BB's to use to get Energy."
Again, you do not have any clue as to how I play my game. You want to tell me that you advanced to your Level, as well as owning every item available in the game, by buying bread ONLY 4 times over the whole course of time that you've been playing? That's pretty damn good there. You want to tell me that I don't know how to restrain myself, causing me to foolishly use up all of my gold? What a crock of BS that last statement is - And yes, How dare you? Who are you to say that to me, or to anyone else? We all have the right to play in whatever way we choose, and I do just fine otherwise - Thanks. And, it's so lucky for you, and others, to have BB's to use at your will, if you happen to - I don't have that luxury - Thanks. You always want to boast about the fact that you do almost every daily quest every day, and how you own everything that's available for sale in the game. Well, you don't know me at all, and I am nothing like that. I don't want or need everything. That's not what this is even about.

@ Bob ~ Again, you have idea how I play my game, and have no right to try to tell me how to - Or, that your way of playing is any 'better' than mine. You have no clue at all about my game's cash flow, nor how I have used it to have any right to make these statements to me. I did not kill my cash flow in any way, and I do play careful with it. I say to you too... How dare you think you have the right to tell me that I'm playing the game wrong because it isn't in just the way that you play? Give me a break, that's nonsense. You just told me that the folks with all of the gold have that much because they play smarter than I do? Who the Hell are you to say that I play my game in a non-smart manner? You're not, that's who, as you have no clue as to what I do or don't do. As for your current Level, and your gold amount, one big discrepancy could be that you've only purchased the Mana Spell to Level 15, although you could have purchased the Mana Spell up to Level 18 by now had you chosen to. That's 3 big gold purchases right there. Do you have any idea how much those items cost in gold to increase your Mana Spell Level? Do you know how much gold it costs to purchase The Mana Spell item to whack Level 18 beasts? I had over a million in gold before I purchased that one. Had you purchased it too, you wouldn't have spent so much time counting all the way to 30-something when you were trying to figure out how many whacks it took between getting carrots - you would have only had to count to 20 each and every time if you had. And again... No, I am not about getting there the fastest or being first at anything! That's not what I'm about at all.

Dedication to the game was mentioned in several differing ways here. I am very dedicated to my game, I play every day, more than once, and have since I started to play. I do everything that is available to earn XP, gold and gems, that I can afford energy for to do every day, as well as the options for things to do and/or purchase to maximize my energy and my play time, as well as enhancing my game play.

This is NOT about who is ahead of who.
This is NOT about who has more than who.
This is NOT about getting everything the fastest or getting it first.
This is NOT about the varying ways of style of game play.

This IS about EVERY Player having the same, equal opportunity, in accordance with their Play Level, to have the very same chance to purchase energy with their gold alone in The Auction House, the same as every other Player. This is the only thing that this is about.
A Player on level 110 who does not have all items still necessary to purchase with gold, does not have the same resources to buy bread for energy in The Auction House as does a Player on Level 135 that has nothing necessary left to purchase with that gold.
The odds of a Player on Level 110 being able to outbid a much higher Level Player to get a stale, crusty loaf of bread for some energy in order to be able to advance and so forth, is not anywhere close to being equal.

The fact that all Players from Levels 110 through the Max Level of 135 (which is 10 more Play Levels, the highest ones at that, than at any other point in the game - all other Auction House Levels are of only 15, not 25 levels of Players) have to try to compete against all of the rest in this huge group, bidding on one loaf of bread, in one room, is not fair or at all balanced. Level 110 Players trying to compete in The Auction house with Players of much higher level is very imbalanced, and is unprecedented in the game. This is where I see the problem, and not in the way we play our games at all. The Auction House needs a Level of it's own for Players on levels 110 through 125.

123 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2011 at 7:31 AM
Harsh Varma
@pam : §§Thumbs Up§§

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2011 at 7:36 AM
Nothing in life is fair.
When I go to a real Auction there are people there who "then you know that u hv couple of million gold"
I can say that sometimes I don't even stick around in a real live auction if I see people there From Tucker Electronics, Leader Electronics, Electrorent or Agilent. Do I complain to the authorities that they have totally bottomless wallets? No. I live with it and live for the day that they don't think a certain auction is worth it, and there are some auctioneers that they don't even go to where I make out like a bandit.

As for "The last two times that they've increased the Level Cap, they've done nothing to adjust the price/bidding amounts for the bread at all"
Of course they have done nothing to that end. The cost of bread has nothing to do with the Level Cap, it has everything to do with what group of 20 levels that you are in. People who have restraint should have a certain amount of gold. But if you are like Harsh and bid 15 times a day around 18,000 for who knows how many hundreds of days, he has used up more Gold than I ever earned. The Auction House is not for daily consumption. You get your daily Energy and Friend Energy and Statue Energy and can buy about 1,000 Energy in Haven and for emergencies buy some Energy using Fishing Tokens, Island Feathers and Crypt Tokens and the occasional Bread.
It's totally unfair that you Harsh dominate the Auction House some 25% of a day every day. The people you complain about are probably never buying more than one Bread not the 15 you get.

But here's a secret. The people at Max like me or even near Max don't need extra Energy. Even during a short term Event like this we KNOW categorically that there will be time to complete it. We are not in a rush to finish it weeks before it's done. Like Bob said some of us just wait, but more like Monica we just what we have and that's a lot in and of itself.

But to correct you Pam, it's not a 'standard 15' levels it's 20. And the Developers HAVE changed the Auction House at least once:

Link to post - Posted November 25th at 9:23 AM
Justin Stocks (DJArts Games)
There are actually 6 levels of Auction Bread:

10-29, starting at 500 gold
30-49, starting at 2000 gold
50-69, starting at 4000 gold
70-89, starting at 8000 gold
90-109, starting at 16000 gold
and 110+, starting at 32000 gold

- Justin

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2011 at 7:52 AM
Last Edited December 20th 2011 at 7:55 AM
From my very own Profile:
Current Gold: 16,367,624 Gold
Total Gold ever Won: 16,392,672
Total Gold from Quests: 9,329,850
Customization Items Obtained 509 (no mention of Quest Items some of which are 'necessary')
so you can see that to get everything costs about 9 Million Gold, but when someone playing 'smartly' gets over 50,000 a day that's about 1/3 of the total time the game has been in existence.

You say it was hard for you to Mana up to Level 18 bushes. Well if you didn't squander the millions of gold that you probably had done on Bread then it wouldn't have even phased you. Since the invention of the Auction House people like Monica and others have said that you buy things at your own risk, and auction Bread is as you put it not a member of "A Player on level 110 who does not have all items still necessary to purchase with gold"

Many people in your boat of having gotten dependent on the Auction Bread have had to quit the game, and it's their own fault. I can't wait till you get to Max Level and never again earn ANY XP until perhaps about a week after new content is released. My 486 days have been perhaps 350+ while at Max and that's perhaps why my Gold from Quests is so high.
P.S. I don't do 'practically' every quest every day. One, I don't have the time. It takes an hour just to do the 20 that I do do, and that's less than half of all the quests that there are. And two, to do so would REQUIRE an inordinate amount of Energy. There IS someone who DOES do every quest EVERY day, but she buys BB's with cash EVERY day. If you are 'dedicated' to the game as you say you are then why don't you support the game?

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2011 at 8:01 AM
Nate Dauer
A huge wall of text and I'm not even addressed. :C

126 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2011 at 9:22 AM
Pam Glyptis
Hi Nate :)

No, life is not fair Raymond. But, this is a game, not real life.
If it was something that I couldn't afford to do money-wise, I wouldn't do it. If I didn't have a wallet full of enough money to go to a real Auction House feeling like I'd be able to bid what I wanted to, I wouldn't go there, period.
Can we please stop comparing this issue to other things that aren't relevant to it, like real-life issues, and address only this issue? If we want to go outside this, there's way too many things to compare it to that would only be wasting our time and effort.

Thank you for the correction on the 'standard' number of Levels previously used. My apology for misstating that - I'm glad to have that straight for myself now.

Can we stop using the words 'fair and unfair' so much, and maybe use 'equal or even or level' or something else. Life is not 'Fair'. Let's stop comparing this to real-life, and being 'Fair' so much.

And Please stop assuming, judging, and accusing me of what I do and do not do! You have no clue! And, you are not correct in your assumptions and judgements either!

Raymond - To say this is so wrong! "It's totally unfair that you Harsh dominate the Auction House some 25% of a day every day. The people you complain about are probably never buying more than one Bread not the 15 you get."
I'll say it straight up - That is a total Bullshit statement, and flat-out untrue. Get your facts straight before you accuse me of one more thing! I am not in the Auction House 25% of every day, far from it. I go in and out to see if I might be able to snag one. If you weren't watching it, if you are, then you wouldn't know whether I was in there at all or not. To say that I dominate The Auction House is actually comical Raymond. If I am lucky, I might get to buy one loaf of bread over several days time. I have never, ever bought 15 loaves of bread. This whole statement is too utterly ridiculous to even respond to any further. Other than to say that I'm in there trying to buy one - not actually getting to buy any! Get your facts straight and stop saying things about me for which you have no damn clue of! I will not tolerate being belittled or degraded over something that is not true, just because you think it is. Enough!

I've said it before and I'll say it again! I am not in any rush or big hurry to get anything or get anything finished! During this Christmas Event, I did not buy one loaf of bread - Not one! I won't say it again - now stop saying it to me, Dammit!

Raymond - "You say it was hard for you to Mana up to Level 18 bushes. Well if you didn't squander the millions of gold that you probably had done on Bread then it wouldn't have even phased you."
I did NOT say that it was hard for me to increase my Mana Spell up to Level 18 bushes! And, I have not squandered my gold on bread either! That did not phase me! Read it again as some of you obviously have very selective reading habits!

And, if you have no valid point to make to address this issue, then don't post here just to insult and belittle people - Or to tell us how or how not to play our game. Find something relevant to the issue to say. If you cannot come up with a valid point to argue the whole point of this topic - which in fact is the inequality at the top Level of The Auction House - then stop posting.

And, do not again attack me personally for things for which you have absolutely no basis to say. Many people in my boat, MY ASS, as you have no clue at to what type of boat I'm even in!

You make me sick to say this to me: "There IS someone who DOES do every quest EVERY day, but she buys BB's with cash EVERY day. If you are 'dedicated' to the game as you say you are then why don't you support the game?"
I'd love to 'support the game', but as I am physically disabled, and unfortunate to not be able to work at a regular job due to this, I cannot afford the money to! I'd much rather be going to work right now, then coming home and buying some Bush Bucks and play, play, play. Rather, I'm spending my day trying to get help so that my electricity won't get shut-off, and trying to decide whether to buy toilet paper or a few food items - Thanks you! And, I'm really biting my tongue here!

123 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2011 at 10:48 AM
Harsh Varma
@Raymond : It's totally unfair that you Harsh dominate the Auction House some 25% of a day every day. The people you complain about are probably never buying more than one Bread not the 15 you get.

why its unfair? why? because i have observed the time when most of the ppl in my auction lvl be inactive and i can get it for like 17k-18k? U get everything in game and u reached max lvl that called ur dedication, but when it comes me us, our game play method is unfair... HAHAHA unfair,,, no dedication at right? silly guy..

I use to stay up in game for that many hrs.. i have spend that much time observing all time slots for concluding around what time i will get those breads at cheapest price... i don't care if i have dominated the auction bread for 25% of a day everyday .. coz i hv seen that when i bid no1 else is bidding not bcoz i bid, but tbcoz none of them r online and even if online they leave auction at the very last min and i took advantage of that ... NOw thats called dedication...

Previously when you use to make joke on posts i thought this guy hv knowledge that y he is just showing off but u listen and u listen to me carefully u don't own any of this.. so don't accuse me or even try to judge anything.. keep ur verdicts with u.. if my dedication is unfair them U report me to the devs and let them investigate my profile..

U hv just started this app earlier then us.. thats the only difference between u and me... and if u feel so proud to me WHT.I.DO.IS.RIGHT then go on .. live in ur dream world but don't poke into my posts

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2011 at 10:49 AM
Last Edited December 20th 2011 at 10:54 AM
OK Pam who goes by the name Harsh, so you don't DOMINATE the Auction House 25% of the day then you lied when you said you bought 10-15 Auction Breads every day.
I was talking about the person who DID say that he bought bread that often.
But the fact that you are upset about it speaks wonders.

And I was joking when I said that it was so unfair (or unequal) of you to do so and also talk about others crouding you out. Ya Ya.

123 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2011 at 10:53 AM
Harsh Varma
@ raymond : The Auction House is not for daily consumption. You get your daily Energy and Friend Energy and Statue Energy and can buy about 1,000 Energy in Haven and for emergencies buy some Energy using Fishing Tokens, Island Feathers and Crypt Tokens and the occasional Bread.

WHERE THE HELL ITS WRITTEN that don't buy auction bread more then one? and its not for daily consumption?

go and get ur information corrected b4 u post anything... u r making urself look idiot in here..