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Codename Entertainment
New Kaine Mystery: The Mystery of the Missing Heir!
593 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 15th 2014 at 10:44 AM
Last Edited August 15th 2014 at 10:46 AM
Kittychix (Chloe)

The eighth installment of Investigator Kaine's mysteries is now available!

Our intrepid Inspector has been asked to solve a mystery in the depths of the Jungle Zone, and find a missing heir so that they can claim their rightful inheritance.

Check the Bush Blog for the quest requirements, and if you match them, head to the Commons and speak to the Town Crier to get started on caper today!

Please post questions and comments here!
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 15th 2014 at 11:00 AM
thanks, nice.
but want to say that I still have 13 puzzle pieces to to finish off Nates Volcano, first time that one of those has taken longer then a week. I hope that this Kaine is not that long too. Some of use still have flux trinkets to gather.
p.s. I do not use large energy packs or special anything just for Nates or Kaines sideline quests, just normal daily, so that's one reason it takes me longer then some people. But I do the same for all Nates and Kaines that I have done. The general cause of the whole slowness of Nates Volcano was the puzzle drop rate being approximately half or even less then that as many people had commented on.
Lvl 370 "Loves The Developers"
554 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 17th 2014 at 1:09 AM
Jean Davis
Is there an SBA in Kaine that I'm not finding?
593 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 18th 2014 at 10:21 AM
Kittychix (Chloe)
No there is not Jean

Lvl 422 "Apprentice Bush Whacker"
252 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 20th 2014 at 3:28 PM
Maryanne Pulliam Cunningham
whats next ? I'm done with the Missing Heir ...
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 20th 2014 at 8:13 PM
nothing till near the end of September, so continue the flux like every other time.
but there will be a Dog Days Event sometime soon, and who knows what Commons things to do also...
Lvl 440 "The True Avenger"
33 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 25th 2014 at 2:18 PM
Amanda H. Bazner
I can't get south from field 3 to turn in my branches. Help?
593 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 26th 2014 at 9:50 AM
Kittychix (Chloe)
Hi Amanda!

What happens when you try and click to move out of the field? Is it just a matter of not being able to click low enough on the screen? If that is the case, please try going fullscreen, and you should be able to click further down the screen and move out of the area.
Lvl 340 "Expert Bush Whacker"
4 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 19th 2014 at 1:07 AM
Marion Anderson
Why can't I find access the the missing heir quest? I'm fairly sure I've completed everything, including Nate's volcano quest. There must be something I'm missing. Town Crier is no help either.
Post by Marion Anderson deleted September 19th 2014 at 1:08 AM
548 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 19th 2014 at 1:14 AM
Matthew Kliparchuk
youve more then likely missed a kaine quest or not progressed far enough to get teh quest poped up.
593 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 19th 2014 at 9:58 AM
Kittychix (Chloe)
Hi Marion!

I took a look at your FB game (which is the account I assume you are talking about), it actually looks like you have not completed the Swamp Mystery (the third in Kaine's series of quests) so you're a few back from the current ones. To continue, you'll have to head back to "The Swamp Detour" (the one with the dog) and continue from there.

If there's another account you use and that's the one you're talking about, please let me know and I can look at that one as well :)
Lvl 340 "Expert Bush Whacker"
4 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 19th 2014 at 10:15 AM
Marion Anderson
Thank you Chloe. I actually found that earlier today.
593 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 19th 2014 at 10:27 AM
Kittychix (Chloe)
Hah, well, then please ignore me ;)
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