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Codename Entertainment
Glitch: that person at the end of The Rocky Decline.
Lvl 307 "Revolutionary"
39 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 8th 2012 at 11:24 AM
I'm assuming this to be a glitch, although it could be intentional?

That person at the end of The Rocky Decline (Name removed to avoid spoilers - aren't I thoughtful? ;)), says she's going to get back to The Commons, and then walks North, I assume to make good on her word.

However, when I go back to the end of Rocky Decline after leaving towards the Flux, she's back where she was, and the entire conversation plays through again.

(Hey, I'm 100% up to date, what do you expect me to do with my time, other than find strange things to nitpick about? :P)
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