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Codename Entertainment
Two options for VIP Quest Resets (Commons & AI or Reset All)
1530 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 8th 2018 at 2:44 PM
Last Edited March 8th 2018 at 2:45 PM
I would like to have the option in VIP to reset either Commons & AI or All Quests. The reason being I want the option to not reset hubs. Yes, I know if I leave the hub quests alone they will eventually reset but I don't want to have to keep checking if they have or not.
I like playing as long as I want and having something to whack for is more fun.
The more I play the more BB I use and the more resets mean more tokens used soooo more $$$ for CNE. Seems like a win win to me. :)
Lvl 440 "Crazy Cat Lover"
670 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 9th 2018 at 6:16 AM
I agree with this. Sometimes I finish all of my quests and out of 25k energy at the start, I still have 13k energy and a lot of energy to use in my inventory.

I don't want to redo the hub quests, I might just want to redo the commons. Or my insomnia is flaring up (It's been 2 weeks. I'm considering buying shares in coffee companies.) and I have nothing else to do. After I spend 4 hours reading while the slots twirl.

This is definitely something to consider. Which reminds me...
1530 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 9th 2018 at 7:10 AM
Last Edited March 9th 2018 at 7:11 AM
DestKitteh, I was hoping you would chime in. I'm an insomniac too, I understand that struggle. Coffee is my best friend. I did two old flux portals last night, played slots and fished . I sooo wanted to reset, but didn't. I am having trouble getting Sanctuary to give me the last daily quest so I can move on. Thank you!
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