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Codename Entertainment
Lvl 400 "Hero to the Downtrodden!"
48 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 1st 2018 at 1:25 PM
Andrew Comerford
I put up with your pointless events.

I put up with having to wait a year for new areas, which were completed in weeks.

Your rolling boulder is just one liberty too many.

In summary, I've had as much as I can take of developers treating loyal players as vermin and cash cows. Goodbye, and may you rot in Hell !
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 1st 2018 at 2:29 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
Hi Andrew,

I'm very sorry to hear you're unhappy with the game's current updates.

We're also unhappy with how long new permanent content updates have been taking, and are working to make them more timely.

We're very excited for the upcoming High Jungle Quest Hub, and can't wait to share it with our veteran players!

Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 1st 2018 at 3:37 PM
rolling boulder is passable plain and simple. even without unequipping mount aand pet and equipping speed trinkets.
it is so simple to pass even after just a couple attempts.
unsure why you have issue with it.
as for the time between releases. we had one under 6 months ago along with a nate and kaine and explorer quest, we are getting a new daily quest hub as soon as possibly tomorrow. you can't expect the Devs to create stuff for end game people, who can and do complete things in under a week, every week or however fast you would like them to. games do reach the end of their usefulness to people.
but since you want to rant, then i will say goodbye, hope you did enjoy the game while you did play it.
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