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Codename Entertainment
Island Token Limits
6 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 11th 2018 at 8:53 AM
Debbie Karubian West
Now that there are things to buy with Island Tokens in the Flux, will you please lift the limit of how many tokens you can own? I would really love to save up before I get there.
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 11th 2018 at 9:10 AM
i think the purpose of the specific cost of those things is specifically because of the limit. they are messing with our sensibilities.
to change that would make it take no planning and so on, and for people upon reaching the flux the first time and being able to buy everything is just wrong to all us who did it the hard way.

same can be said about the mounts in the flux store for the limit 100 feeds...
6 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 11th 2018 at 11:22 AM
Debbie Karubian West
I see what you're saying. However, the first people to get to the flux was after finishing Cloud Land. But now, we have to get through a whole lot more before reaching the flux.
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