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Codename Entertainment
Notifications for Steam client or mobile port.

7 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 21st 2017 at 1:30 PM
Last Edited October 21st 2017 at 3:27 PM

I'll suggest that if you can make Windows 10 notifications for some ingame conditions like "finished missions", "ability ready" especially for Storm Rider ability or "when your group wiped".

I use that lame Win10's Alarm&Clock program as a reminder. :-)

(and I know if it's possible the game must be active and runnig, at least minimized for steam client)

It will be cool if you do this on mobile port. I can only see an anoying come back notification that say like "you gained xxx gold when you are offline".

Honestly I don't care how much I earn when I'm idle. It feels like a fishing message to make me play it.
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