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Codename Entertainment
Epic Gear Drop Rate

2 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 26th 2017 at 11:46 PM
Brandis Quinn
I feel like the epic gear drop rate could be a little higher, and the chances of getting a duplicate small. I had an epic drop for Kaine that I had already acquired, didn't seem to benefit me at all!

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 27th 2017 at 1:15 AM
Last Edited June 27th 2017 at 1:16 AM
Epic drop rate is intentionally low. It took active players more than a year to fully gear "classic" crusaders, and many event ones don't have full epics yet (despite gearing missions and recipes). This game requires PATIENCE. Lots of it.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 27th 2017 at 9:20 AM
This type of game is specifically designed to be a slow grind. It is meant for people to steadily progress over very long periods of time. Some of the oldest players of the game likely still don't have epics on all of their crusaders. I think that's a good thing. Since it is an idle game ("an idol game", har dee har), it's purpose is to be able to play itself whether you're there or not, so after setting it up decently, most people will just let the game run in the background while doing other things. It isn't meant to be your sole focus. That's why it is okay that it takes so long to get anywhere - because you're not actually "at" the game the entire time.
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