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Codename Entertainment
Sell trinkets/event items for BBs or VIP tokens/voucher
Lvl 440 "Crazy Cat Lover"
670 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 10th 2017 at 5:05 AM
Much like with EBA, how you can sell hats for Monkey Tokens, I was wondering if we could have a barter system.

Maximum of 5 items a day for 1 BB each.
Group of 10 items for one VIP voucher (since it doesn't require a VIP membership)
Group of 15 items for a VIP token

This has the added bonus that people have to be absolutely 110% sure they no longer want that item, as they cannot get it again in the future.

My understanding is that upgrading servers can be expensive. By getting users to be proactive on their end, and offering incentives, you could potentially keep down operation costs.

I know users have asked for this, but maybe this sort of system could work.

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