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Codename Entertainment
Results for the Egg Breaker Carving Contest 2014

8 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 6th 2014 at 9:23 PM
Ka Thy
Where do we see the results for the 2014 Egg Breaker Carving Contest? I thought it use to list which of the submitted pumpkins won.

From the Event Details and Carving Contest Rules:

You can enter some of your combinations into the Egg Breaker Carving Contest in order to win cool rewards AFTER THE EVENT ENDS.

The Egg Breaker Carving Contest will award the following prizes:

1st Place (5% of Pumpkins): One prize that you need (or 10,000 Rainbow Feathers)
2nd Place (10% of Pumpkins): 100 non-daily hammers, 10 stars, and 10 Banana Tokens*
3rd Place (20% of Pumpkins): 50 non-daily hammers and 2 Banana Tokens*
Honorable Mention (30% of Pumpkins): 25 non-daily hammers

* Banana Tokens are only awarded if the player is level 9 or higher after the event ends.
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