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Codename Entertainment
New Event: Camping Challenge Mini Event!

593 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 15th 2014 at 9:25 AM
Last Edited July 15th 2014 at 9:27 AM
Kittychix (Chloe)

The Challenge Mini Event Monkey has a hankering to spend a week out under the stars, roast some marshmallows and be one with nature. She needs your help to make sure she's got the perfect set up!

New to Mini Challenge Events? Here's a TL:DR summary:
- Find red challenge eggs with a "!" - break them and start a new challenge.
- Break eggs to find the required number of McGuffins within the allotted time period.
- Trade Mini Event Challenge tokens to the Challenge Mini Event Monkey for prizes!

Got more questions? Check our handy FAQ here!

We have three rare prizes for this mini event:

Rare Challenge Hat: The Fishing Hat grants 10% more star pieces.

Rare Challenge Hammer: The "Marshmallow on a stick" gives slightly more multipliers.

Rare Challenge Trophy Room Item: Camping Tent - just what every outdoorys monkey needs for a night under the stars!

Looking for a stylish new hat? Mr. Monkey has dreamed up two zingers!

The Firepit Hat gives a chance that your last egg broken was free (cost no hammer/star) and gives 10% less nothings!

The Tree Hat grants a small chance for a free (complete) star and increases crates by 10%.

This mini event will run until Tuesday July 22, 2014 - Noon PDT.

Please post questions and comments here!
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