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Codename Entertainment
Changes released May 30, 2014
593 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 30th 2014 at 10:07 AM
Kittychix (Chloe)
New Content Updates:
RELEASED: Summer Sports 2014 Event

General Updates:
ADDED: Breadcrumb quest from the Town Crier to find Brock the Mason in the mountains if you haven't found him yet by the time you complete the Schoolhouse.

- The final typo in the most recent Investigator Kaine adventure. There are no longer any typos in that entire adventure.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't close tickets from the game page in some browsers if you loaded it with https.
- Fixed a glitch where you could sometimes get stuck and be unable to win the last one or two customization items in an area.
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