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Codename Entertainment
Bringin back "Sell back unwanted trophy room items"

37 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 11th 2014 at 2:32 AM
Rima Rama
apparently it was over a month ago (since i couldn't reply to the original thread) that this was suggested. the initial post said this:

"Nick DiCeglie

At various times, I have purchased extra shelves and posters and things that I no longer want/need in my trophy rooms. I'd love a way to sell those back..."

I think this is an awesome idea. in eba there is LOTS of buying, but not much selling, and something like this would add more of an 'economy'-type feel. there would be more buying and selling and you wouldn't feel so tied down to one thing if you knew you could sell it if you didn't like it (at a reduced price, of course) and use that income to invest in something different to try.

i think it would add a bit of a additional dimension to the game. give us more to do when the hammers run out.
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