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Codename Entertainment
Horror Monkey

324 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 19th 2013 at 2:29 AM
Ben Strijker
Filled with the bloodiest of prizes and the most ugly monsters of this planet (insert your momma joke here).

But ofcourse it has to be Obvious fake and neated out so this game can be kept for all ages (not sure you even have a rating)

Prize suggestions
- masks (low, medium, high quality (for each stage) )
- costumes (same as above)
- prank tools (toilet paper, flaming bag with poo, fake puke/poo)
- severed limbs (those fake ones you can buy at monkey markt)
- haunted houses
- scary movies (box art)
- scary treats (wine-gum shaped brains, eyes, gut, etc.)
- famous scary people (freddy kreuger, siccorhands, etc.)
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