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Codename Entertainment
Claiming Bananas Possible Glitch?

8 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 4th 2013 at 12:17 PM
Alicia Gurba
Not sure if this was an intentional bit of programming or if it's a bug but it's annoying either way, haha

Anyways what the issue is, is that when in the Get More Hammers window thing, if you happen to claim any sacks of hammers or in any way have hammers still to use, it won't let me claim any of my bananas. Instead it gives me a message saying I have no bananas available (which I know I do at the time, plus the button would be greyed out if I didn't). I end up needing to go back into the game screen, using all the hammers I have available to use, and only then can I go back into the Get More Hammers window and finally claim my banana(s)
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